Seed to Supper -- Free PDF Download
Oregon Food Bank is pleased to share digital PDF copies of our Seed to Supper program course book and PowerPoint presentations. These resources were developed in collaboration with Oregon State University Extension Service for our 6-week garden education course that empowers adult learners to grow a portion of their own food on a limited budget.

These resources can be used as the foundation for a community-based garden education course.  Some of the information in these resources applies specifically for the maritime Pacific Northwest, or Plant Hardiness Zone 8b, so we encourage you to be creative and utilize these materials in whatever way works best for your climate and your community.

After submitting this form below, you will receive a link to download the PDF version of the course book and slides.

Oregon Food Bank is also willing to share an editable version of these curriculum materials with food banks and extension programs outside of Oregon who wish to replicate our Seed to Supper program in their state. Please contact Devin Dinihanian for more information about this opportunity:
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Oregon Food Bank gladly authorizes the reproduction and use of Seed to Supper course materials for non-profit, educational purposes. Click 'Yes' below to indicate that you agree to the following terms and conditions: (1) Seed to Supper course materials, and any courses based upon these materials, are to be offered equitably and free of charge to the community; (2) No profit may be made from the use of these materials; and (3) Any reproductions of these materials must clearly cite Oregon Food Bank and Oregon State University Extension Service. *
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