Bow & Arrow Opt-Out Form
If you are uncomfortable with the possibility of being hit by a Bow & Arrow please submit this form.

You should not use this form on a "temporary" basis. Meaning if you are generally fine with being hit with an arrow but some exception needs to be made for an event or two that can happen outside this form. This form is intended to be used for people who more or less permanently do not want to be hit with arrows.

By submitting this form you agree to bring with you and wear at all times a (to be determined) uniform piece of costuming that signifies your Opt-Out status to every Elysium LARP Event.

By submitting this form waive your right to use a Bow & Arrow at any time. A standard rule at Elysium is if you aren't willing to have something happen to you, you cannot make someone else experience that same thing. In this case, if you aren't willing to get shot, you cannot shoot someone else.

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First & Last Name *
Do you agree to the terms presented by the Bow & Arrow Opt-Out Form? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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