Quiz 13. Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 
It includes Seed and Fruit (Part 1)
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Name  *
1 point
The fruits is dry in case of ..... *
1 point
Phoenix dactylifera is commonly known as  *
1 point
Though, ovary develops into fruit. But thalamus also contributes to fruit formation in case of ...... *
1 point
Select incorrect statement regarding parthenocarpic fruits  *
1 point
Phoenix dactylifera discovered during the archeological excavation at ....... *
1 point
Endosperm is completely consumed by developing embryo in the following except *
1 point
The fruits may be fleshy in .....  *
1 point
It is often described as a fertilised ovule ..... *
1 point
How many of the following seeds are non albuminous/ ex-albuminous seed ? 

wheat, maize, pea, groundnut, barley, castor, beans
1 point
Occasionally, in some seeds such as ........... and .........., remnants of nucellus are also persistent *
1 point
The wall of the ovary develops into the wall of fruit called........... *
1 point
Select incorrect statement regarding this figure  *
1 point
Captionless Image
False fruits examples are ......... *
1 point
In some seeds, remnants of nucellus are also persistent. This residual, persistent nucellus is known as ..... *
1 point
In some species, fruits develops without fertilisation such fruits are called as ......  *
1 point
Which option is of parasitic species ? *
1 point
Match both column  *
4 points
Date palm
Arctic Tundra
Tiny seeds
Parasitic species
King Harod's palace
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