Kids Min Upgrade
Thank you for joining us as we remodel our Kids Ministry area. Together we get to create an exciting, inviting, centralized Kids Min area on the Bridges campus. As we remodel the area, let us keep in mind what a privilege, honor, and duty it is for us to pass on to the next generation "the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has the next generation would know them even the children yet to be born...Then they would put their trust in God." (Psalm 78). Praise God, every week we have new families attending. Let's build a space that is easy to find, and draws them in to community with God and others. 

Answer the form below to let us know how you can participate with your hands and feet. 

If you have read our FAQs and still have questions, please submit them at the bottom of this form. 

Thank you so much for your prayers joining in on this mission. We can't wait to fill the new rooms with many kids growing in their faith with God. 

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Use me! I'm ready to roll up my sleeves. I feel comfortable helping in the following roles. (please check all roles you are comfortable in assisting.) 
I have more questions! Please contact me. (please type your question below and give us your phone number.)
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