Peers Supporting Peers
We recognize that sometimes financial situations are tight and we are honored to be able to offer a place for you, our peer, to come in a confidential way to submit your request for financial support to participate in the programming we offer.  

The information collected here is for our scholarship review team only and will be reviewed monthly.  We cannot guarantee that we will have funding available but we strive to provide all individuals access to the amazing programs that we offer.   
Email *
Full Name and License # (if applicable) *
Phone Number *
I am seeking financial support for  *
Please list the name of the workshop/book club/peer support group you would like to attend below.  *
Share with us the top 2 reasons you are interested in obtaining this financial support. *
Advise on what your present financial situation is *
By submitting this application, I acknowledge that the information provided will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating my eligibility for the CMH Continuing Education Scholarship. I understand that confidentiality will be maintained and my personal information will not be disclosed to third parties without my consent, except as required by law.
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