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Cards for Life | Workshop
You are warmly invited to join our
Seeing Systems & Being circle
December 10th | 13.30 - 17.00 | at De Hoorneboeg in Hilversum
hosted by Tom Mansfield, Claire Boonstra, Monique Wisse and Marieke Smets.
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We would love to see you there! Reserve your spot now
by paying the tikkie
or with the QR code below.
Your name:
Your answer
Company or organisaton:
Your answer
Email address:
Your answer
We would love to gather for a community
after the session (+/- 17.30-20.30, at everyone’s own expense). Please let us know if you are up for dinner:
Yes, I am in
No, thank you
I would like to go for:
Dinner a €23,50
Dinner and dessert a €30,50
No, thank you
Do you have any dietary requirements to share?
Your answer
I would like to reserve a parking spot (€2,50, at your own expense)
Yes, please
No, thank you
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