Cana One-Day Retreat for Couples
A Cana Day Away!
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Arrival:  12:00pm
Departure: 8:00pm

Washington Community Fellowship
907 Maryland Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002

Registration Deadline:  February 15, 2025

Couple:  $160
Childcare:  $75 one child.  $125 two or more children.
  • As with all CANA events, participants contribute to retreat costs as they are able and as they feel led. All are welcome and no one will be turned away due to inability to pay. 

$100 Deposit due upon registration

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Spouse #1 Full Name *
Spouse #2 Full Name *
Spouse #1 Email Address *
Spouse #2 Email Address *
Spouse #1 Phone Number (Mobile)
Spouse #2 Phone Number (Mobile)
Family Address (STREET ADDRESS)
City, State, Zip Code
Will you bring children to the retreat? *
Please list name, age, date of birth and gender of each child
Dietary restrictions or other important information or accommodations
Anything special circumstances we should know about to help facilitate your or your child/children's participation in the weekend?
How did you hear about this retreat?
Church membership/affiliation, if any?
Do you have any additional questions or comments?
Thank you for registering.  Please send $100 deposit to:

Check payable to:  CANA USA

Mail to: CANA USA
2631 15th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94127

or Zelle:

Memo: Cana March 1-Day DC Retreat

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