Survey Application
Please answer the questions below to apply for enrollment into one of our essential oil surveys. You will be notified in the next couple of days if you've been accepted and in which survey you will be enrolled. Our surveys are for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of our essential oils and for you to experience them. You will be asked to participate in a phone survey before samples are sent to you. Then you will be asked to participate in a Facebook Group where you will learn how to use the samples and lastly you will be asked to complete a short exit survey to share your experience of using the samples. Please click the submit button after you finish your answers. There is no obligation to buy anything in order to participate in the survey. Thank You!
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Email *
First name *
Last name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Your age *
Marital Status *
Are you a parent? *
What is your occupation? (Stay at home mom, dad or housewife is an acceptable answer) *
Have you ever used essential oils? *
If you answered yes to using essential oils, which brand? (please type N/A if this doesn't apply to you) *
Are you a member or distributor of any essential oil company and if yes, which one?
What are your top three health concerns or challenges? *
What are your top three health goals? (for example, lose 30 lbs, clear up eczema, exercise more etc.) *
If you are accepted into a survey, would you be willing to post your experience in a private Facebook group? *
If you are accepted into the survey, would you be willing to participate in a phone interview as part of the survey? (This interview is required to be part of the survey, so a no answer will disqualify you) *
What's the best way to communicate with you?
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