What is your occupation? (Stay at home mom, dad or housewife is an acceptable answer) *
Your answer
Have you ever used essential oils? *
If you answered yes to using essential oils, which brand? (please type N/A if this doesn't apply to you) *
Your answer
Are you a member or distributor of any essential oil company and if yes, which one?
Your answer
What are your top three health concerns or challenges? *
Your answer
What are your top three health goals? (for example, lose 30 lbs, clear up eczema, exercise more etc.) *
Your answer
If you are accepted into a survey, would you be willing to post your experience in a private Facebook group? *
If you are accepted into the survey, would you be willing to participate in a phone interview as part of the survey? (This interview is required to be part of the survey, so a no answer will disqualify you) *