National Alumni Association of Hillside High School (NAAHHS)
Membership Application/Renewal Form
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Mission Statement
The mission of the National Alumni Association of Hillside High School is "To advance the cause of Education and to establish mutually beneficial relationships between Hillside High School and its alumni and friends."
Board of Directors
Julia Fairley, President
Gloria Rentrope, 1st Vice President
,Mary Scott, 2nd Vice President 
Taurus Jamison,Treasurer
John Perry, Financial Secretary
Veronica Hopkins-Garrett, Secretary
Tamecia Wallace, Assistant Secretary 
Elder Allen Gattis, Chaplain
Rev Timothy Faison, Parliamentarian
Gloria Rentrope, Historian  

At Large Board Members:
F Vincent Allison, DDS
Audrey Boykin
Jessie Giles 
Barbara Hibbert (HOF Banquet) 
Veta McNeill-Best
Carol Nixon 
Teresia Parker
H. Michael Spears (Membership)
Mary Rogers Taylor
Ernestine Turner (Civic Affairs)
Type of Membersip *
Membership Card Type *
Full Name: *
Full Name while at HHS if different from above. If same, please skip to the next question. *
ALUMNI ONLY: What year did you graduate from HHS? *
Address: *
Email Address: *
This is needed as it will be used for the majority of NAAHHS communication
Phone Number: *
This is very helpful as it will be used for the majority of NAAHHS communication
Membership Type (choose below) *
Choose membership type below and submit payment to PO Box; via MULTI–YEAR MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT OPTION_____________1) Hillside alumni who wish to purchase a multi-year membership may break their payments over a 2 year (24 month period). 2) Individuals may make payments on their multi-year membership beginning January 1st but must be paid in full by December 31st, two years later (24 months later). 3) A membership/renewal application must accompany the FIRST payment indicating what multi-year membership the member is seeking.
$100.00 Bill Club OPTIONAL Donation- Donate a minimum of $100.00 over and above your dues to any of the categories listed below to become a member of the Hornet $100.00 Club. Hornet $100.00 Bill Club Members will be recognized throughout the year at various Alumni Functions. *
Choose below where you would like the funds to be allocated. If more than one category is checked, the $100.00 will be divided equally into categories selected
Would you like to volunteer for NAAHHS events/activities? *
Are you a business owner? *
If Yes, Share your business Info
What form of payment will you use? 
*Membership is not active until payment is received
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