Voter Accessibility: 2024 Concerns At The Polls
(Please complete AFTER submitting your vote.) Questions are related to: Parking, Entryways, Voting Area, and Check-In. This questionnaire is being used to ensure Nebraska voting is accessible to ALL. Help us advocate for YOU and your voter rights by completing these questions.
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How was your 2024 voting experience?
If you had a concern, did it pertain to voter accessibility? 
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Parking: Was there 1 accessible parking space for every 25 spaces?
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Was accessible parking clearly marked by a visible sign?
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Was there a clear, accessible route to an entrance that was free of curbs/steps or obstructions?
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If there were curbs/steps, were there usable curb cuts or safe ramps?
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Was the parking lot and sidewalk stable, firm, and slip resistant?
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Entrance: Was there at least one accessible entrance?
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Was the entrance door wide enough for a wheelchair? (32 inches)
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Could you open all doors with one closed fist without grasping, pinching, or turning the handle?
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Was a ramp needed that was not provided?
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If there was a ramp, was it a gradual incline with handrails on both sides?
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Was the ramp wide enough for a wheelchair, handrails at least 36 inches apart?
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Voting Area: Was the voting area accessible to reach past the entryway? (Example: no additional stairs)
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Could you open all voting area doors with one closed fist without grasping, pinching, or turning the handle?
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Were there any powered doors?
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If there were powered doors, did the doors remain open for at least 3 seconds?
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Voter Check-In: Was the check-in table on an accessible level?
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Was the voting machine set up and ready to use?
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Did you have any problems using the voting machine? Yes or no. If yes, please describe the issue below.
Was there seating available while using the voting machine?
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Was there a sign informing you assistance was available?
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Were you able to cast your vote privately?
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Were poll workers helpful in assisting you?
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If an accommodation was requested in advance, was it recognized?
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