Solarize - Site Info Form
This Site Information is required for the solarize volunteers and installers to evaluate the solar potential of your property.

For more details on the program, or Questions & Answers on solar energy, please visit:

Please provide as much of the information requested below as possible, as this will enable our team to make the best determination for your property.

NOTE:  If you do not use email, enter "" below.
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Contact Information
This will be used by the Solarize volunteers to communicate with you, and to connect you with the solar installer.
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone *
If you prefer text messaging. please provide a Mobile phone number. Providing a phone number will enable us to contact you to schedule a site visit if you prefer that instead of email. Those without access to email must provide a phone number.
Preferred contact method: *
Enter Property Location Info
Enter the address of the property you plan to solarize.
Address number and street *
Having the street address allows us to check its solar potential using aerial maps.
Zip code *
County *
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