Sarasota Virtual Tip Jar
Many of our friends and neighbors depend on tips to make ends meet. This virtual tip jar is for local service industry staff - employees at bars, restaurants, salons, etc - to post their Venmo or Paypal information so that customers, neighbors, and {{YOUR CITY NAME HERE}} community members can continue to support them.

If you are a service industry worker, please fill out this form. Note that this information is shared publicly in the tip jar tipping interfaces to help people send you tips.
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Your Name *
However you want it to appear on lists for tippers, they will see this alongside your links.
Where do you work, if listed here? *
If you can't find your workplace here, select Not Listed Yet, this list starts out empty, so don't worry if it's empty.
Where do you work, if not listed yet?
Try to be quite precise about spelling it as others who work there will, as this helps people find and tip folks from their favorite places. Enter only one establishment. Do not add any other comments here please.
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