World's Longest-Running Cigar Box Guitar Festival
Thank you for your interest in being a vendor at the 20th Anniversary of the World's Longest-Running Cigar Box Guitar Festival in Huntsville, Alabama to be held May 31-June 2, 2024. This event is free and raises money for music in schools and it is run entirely by volunteers. As such, we rely solely on sponsors and vendors to pay Festival expenses, including performers.

NOTE that because this event is organized by The Cigar Box Guitar Store and represents hundreds of donated hours to create this free event that raises money for music in schools, we do not allow any musical instrument vendors. We welcome vendors who offer any other products/services to complete this form.

Questions? Contact Tara at The Cigar Box Guitar Store 256-886-8554 or
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Email *
Your First & Last Name *
Phone Number *
City, State *
Business Name *
Please provide a description of the products or services you would like to offer during the Festival. *
What size space would you prefer? (We offer as small as 10x10, but have the ability to accommodate much larger.)  *
URL for your website? If you don't have one, write N/A. *
URL for your public Facebook page? If you don't have one, write N/A. *
URL for your public Instagram? If you don't have one, write N/A. *
What type of promotion can you offer the Festival leading up to the event? *
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