HenselRx - Work with Brandi
Stay in touch with me as I begin my journey as a Precision Medicine Pharmacist!

I'm excited to bring a new solution to our community to help people better understand how their DNA influences medications [and so much more!].

Though I'm just getting started, I know the power of precision medicine and I want to share with you what I'm learning along the way.

In a short time I'll be looking for a few patients to work with. I'd love to keep you on my short-list. 

Please fill out the form below if you:
  • Are interested in understanding how one test can change prescribing for the rest of your life
  • If you feel that medication doesn't work for you (or is giving you a ton of side effects)
  • If you are having problems with medication
  • Are just interested in what I'm building!
Email *
Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
May I reach out to you at the email address you've provided? *
Phone number
Have you ever experienced a negative side effect from a medication or multiple medications? *
If you answered yes to the question above, feel free to elaborate here.
Have you ever felt like a medication you took did not work for you?  *
If you answered yes to the question above, feel free to elaborate here.
Are you currently taking any of the following medications?
(Note: This is NOT a comprehensive list of medications affected by genetic variants. That list would be too long for this form. These are a few commonly prescribed medications listed for informational purposes only.)
Final Thoughts
Feel free to add anything additional you'd like to share.
(Ex. why you think genetic testing would be a great option for you or someone you know.)
Also, feel free to tell me what you would like to learn more about!
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