Registration for Untamed: A Movement Showcase
Event Dates: February 22nd-23rd
Event Location: Windmill Arts- 2823 Church St, East Point, GA
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Welcome to the Intake Form for the Crux Collective 2025 Fundraiser Showcase, Untamed! Please fill out as much as you can to the best of your ability. Registration ends December 22nd. A portion of proceeds will be donated to Lost-N-Found Youth charity.

We are open to any type of act, whether Aerial, Pole or Ground. Please keep acts at a 5ish minute limit. Note that we can only hang one apparatus per act, unless rigged centrally up the stage due to rigging constraints. Note for vertical apparatuses: the beam is 16ft from the floor. If you'd like more information on rigging, please contact us at the Crux gmail.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to limited space and showtimes, we're prioritizing intake ranging from Intermediate students to Professional Artists. However, if you are a beginner or novice with significant interest in performing, please let us know! With enough interest, we would consider adding an additional night.
Name and Pronouns *
Email *
Phone Number *
Tell us about yourself! What inspires you to move, to create?
At what studio do you train, primarily? If you don't go to any studios, tell us about where you practice. *
What is your primary movement discipline? *
What apparatus or discipline(s) are you planning to perform at this show? *
Drop us a link or two to some of your work. It can be a Youtube video, Google photos link, GoogleDrive link, IG post, etc. Whatever can give us an idea of your style and/or skill. 

(A link to a recent/past act would be very cool but not required.)
Which show date would you like to perform: *
Are you able to commit to a tech/dress rehearsal on February 21st?
*This is primarily to test rigging, lights, and sound 
Please ask any questions or comments you have here!
We will be reaching out individually to everyone by December 23rd! Thank you so much for your interest and participation. We hope to see you soon!
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