Summer II Adult Electives
The Summer II Session will run from July 14, 2024 - August 23, 2024. Classes will begin each Sunday morning at 9:30am. (Adult Electives will not be held on August 4 due to the Combined 9:30am service at Lititz Springs Park).

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Course Descriptions
*Job, Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs - Part II (Scripture Press)
  Facilitator: Various Teachers

These three Old Testament books explore the presence of God in the human experience. Job addresses both human suffering and God’s sovereignty. The book exemplifies how we can question God while still trusting and obeying His good will. Ecclesiastes presents the reflections of a man honestly and boldly facing the complex questions of life, only to conclude in the end that true meaning and joy only come from God. The Song of Songs (or commonly called the Song of Solomon) portrays love’s subtlety and mystery, its beauty and pleasures, its captivation and enchantment, its elusiveness and spontaneity. We’re reminded of the love God has for His people and that He intends for powerful love to be a hallmark of the marital relationship.

*The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (Right Now Media)
  Facilitator: Frank Schock

Do you ever feel you have too much to do and not enough time to do it all? Do you find you're spending less time with Jesus - feeling less loved, joyful and at peace? Are you more angry, irritable and stressed out? Well perhaps you're feeling the effects of being too busy, living a hurried life. Corrie Ten Boon said, "if the devil can't make you sin, he'll make you busy!" Pastor and author John Mark Cromer will address one of the greatest threats to our spiritual lives: hurry. Our busyness can be a toxic distraction, sapping our spiritual, physical and emotional vitality. Learn how Jesus offers us a new rhythm of life, overflowing with grace, peace, and beauty.

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