10x Genomics Single Cell and Spatial Services at SLU Genomics Core Facility

Date and Time: Thursday, February 15th  11AM– 12PM

Where: Doisy Research Center - 9th Floor Conference Room

oin us for a seminar hosted by the Saint Louis University Genomics Core  to learn more about the single cell and spatial platforms available from 10x Genomics.  Join us for this seminar to learn how 10x Genomics Single Cell and Spatial platforms can help you expand the boundaries of your research. Dissect cell-type differences, investigate the innate and adaptive immune system, detect novel subtypes and biomarkers, and map the epigenetic landscape cell by cell. Uncover molecular insights from fresh or fixed samples, including FFPE, with robust, flexible workflows that simplify experimental logistics. Unravel highly complex biological systems, while bringing into focus the details that matter most.

Lunch will be provided! We will have our technical experts available to help plan your next experiment.

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