Play and motor activity workshop 
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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I enjoyed participating in the activity

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I learned something new with this activity

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I feel better about my body after doing this activity

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

This activity helped me to get along better with my classmates.

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I would like to continue doing this activity outside the school

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

The activity was well organised

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I would recommend this activity to my friends 

1 – strongly disagree; 2 - disagree; 3 - agree; 4 - strongly agree.      

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How much do you agree with the following statement?

I would participate in this activity again next year. 

1 - no; 2 - yes.  

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