Gustine ISD Safety/Threat Reporting Form
This form is to be used to report safety/threat issues. Safety and threat issues may include concerns regarding illegal drug use or drug distribution.  Once a form is submitted, Gustine ISD Administration will be alerted.  A thorough investigation will be conducted and steps will be taken to end the threat. Providing more detailed information will help a more timely and thorough investigation occur.  
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Date or Report *
Person making report: (This is optional, however by giving us your name it will make a quicker and more thorough investigation possible.)
I am a: *
Day Time Phone Number (optional)
Address (optional)
Email Address (optional)
Person or Persons That Are Threatening the Safety of a GISD Campus or Employee or Student (if known).  This does include people distributing illegal substances to Gustine ISD Students or Employees. 
Person or Persons or Campus That Are The Target of a Safety Threat (Please provide first and last names.)  This does include students or employee you have evidence to believe they are using illegal drugs.  *
Date threat was made or Date you became aware of illegal drug use or distribution. *
What time of day was the threat made or when you became aware of illegal drug use or distribution. *
If there was threat of violence made, what type or threat has been carried out or is planned to be carried out. *
Witnesses (List people who saw or heard the threat or that have relevant information about the threat.  Remember a threat includes drug usage and drug distribution. Please tell us if the witness is a parent, staff member, student or community member.) *
Describe the incident in detail, including the name of the person or persons involved, what was said and done, and specific words used. *
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