Kupnja karata za STORYing 2024 / Buying tickets for STORYing 2024
Pred nama je još jedan STORYing festival koji nudi priču koja se ne propušta!

U subotu, 18.5.2024., naš Zagreb će opet postati domaćin međunarodnog storytelling festivala koji u grad dovodi najbolje svjetske pripovjedače te priče koje znaju obarati s nogu.
Ove godine to čine na posebno mračan i zavodljiv način!
U nastavku popunite obrazac i osigurajte svoje karte na vrijeme!

Nakon popunjavanja obrasca potrebno je putem internet bankarstva uplatiti cijenu odabranog/odabranih programa na IBAN Laboratorija zabave – udruga za promicanje kulture pripovijedanja skeniranjem točnog QR koda ili uplatom na IBAN:  HR6324020061100656924.
U opisu plaćanja je potrebno navesti Vaše ime i prezime.

Nakon vidljive uplate na mail adresu Vam stiže Vaša ulaznica.

Karte možete kupiti i prije samog programa na licu mjesta.

The 5th STORYing festival is upon us, offering a story not to be missed!

On Saturday, May 18, 2024, our Zagreb will once again become the host of an international storytelling festival that brings the world's best storytellers to the city and stories that can knock you off your feet.

This year it will be in a particularly dark and seductive way!

Fill out the form below and secure your tickets on time!

After filling out the form, it is necessary to pay the price of the selected program(s) via Internet banking to the IBAN of the Fun Laboratory - Association for the Promotion of Storytelling Culture by scanning the correct QR code or payment to the IBAN: HR6324020061100656924.

In the payment description, it is necessary to state your name and surname.

After visible payment, your ticket will be sent to your email address.

You can also buy tickets before the program on the spot.

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Email *
Vaše ime i prezime/Name and surname *
Vaša mail adresa na koji ćemo Vam poslati karte/Your email address to which we will send you the tickets *
Za koji program kupujete karte?/ Which program are you buying tickets for?
1 karta / 1 ticket
2 karte / 2 tickets
3 karte / 3 tickets
4 karte / 4 tickets
5 karata / 5 tickets
Jutarnji program za djecu i obitelj (7 EUR po osobi neovisno o dobi) / Morning Family program (7 EUR per person regardless of age)
Popodnevna storytelling radionica (35 EUR po osobi) / Afternoon storytelling workshop (35 EUR per person)
Večernja predstava za odrasle (13 EUR po osobi) / Evening show for adults (13 EUR per person)
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QR code - plaćanje jutarnjeg programa za djecu i obitelj
pojedinačna cijena - 7 EUR po osobi*
Kartu plaćaju i djeca

Iznos za plaćanje= Broj karata * 7 EUR
Molimo da pod opis plaćanja obavezno navedete svoje ime i prezime
QR code - payment of the morning program for children and family
single price - 7 EUR per person*
Children also pay the ticket

Payment amount = Number of tickets * 7 EUR
Please be sure to include your name and surname under the payment description
QR code - plaćanje storytelling radionice
pojedinačna cijena - 35 EUR 

Iznos za plaćanje= Broj karata * 35 EUR
Molimo da pod opis plaćanja obavezno navedete svoje ime i prezime
QR code - payment for the storytelling workshop
individual price - 35 EUR

Payment amount = Number of tickets * 35 EUR
Please be sure to include your name and surname under the payment description
QR code - plaćanje storytelling predstave
pojedinačna cijena - 13 EUR 

Iznos za plaćanje= Broj karata * 13 EUR
Molimo da pod opis plaćanja obavezno navedete svoje ime i prezime
QR code - payment for the storytelling show
individual price - 13 EUR

Payment amount = Number of tickets * 13 EUR
Please be sure to include your name and surname under the payment description
Ukoliko plaćate ulaznice za više programa - molimo Vas sljedeće
1. Skenirajte ovaj QR code
2. Izračunajte točan iznos za plaćanje (jutarnji program za djecu - 7 EUR, storytelling radionica - 35 EUR, storytelling predstava - 13 EUR)
3. Navedeni iznos upišite kao novi iznos za plaćanje.

Molimo da pod opis plaćanja obavezno navedete svoje ime i prezime
If you are paying for tickets for several programs - please do the following
1. Scan this QR code
2. Calculate the exact amount to pay (morning program for children - 7 EUR, storytelling workshop - 35 EUR, storytelling performance - 13 EUR)
3. Enter the specified amount as the new payment amount.

Please be sure to include your name and surname under the payment description
Ukoliko ćete imati bilo kakvih pitanja ili poteškoća prilikom plaćanja dostupni smo na mailu info@laboratorijzabave.hr
If you have any questions or difficulties when paying, we are available at info@laboratorijzabave.hr
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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