WCF questionnaire - retreats
It is two years since we restarted residential retreats following the ending of pandemic restrictions, and we are noticing that retreat booking numbers are lower than pre-pandemic. Clearly one factor may be cost-of-living pressures, and to try to help with that we have increased the number of supported places offered on each retreat.  Also we have frozen retreat fees for 2024, and will increase them by less than inflation for 2025.  We are keen to understand the various other factors that affect people attending retreats, and so we would appreciate it enormously if you could answer these few questions.  Hopefully this will help us to plan a retreat program which allows as many people as possible to participate, if they so wish.
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1. How many retreats have you attended with the WCF in total? *
2. Have you attended any WCF retreats in-person since the end of the pandemic?   *
3. When did you last attend an in-person retreat with WCF? *
4. Please indicate your age. *
5. What type(s) of retreat do you like to attend?  Tick all that apply.  *
6. If we reintroduced a 9 day retreat, would you be likely to want to attend? *
7. What length of retreat do you like to attend? Pick all that apply.  *
8. What other events would you like to see the WCF offering?  Please tick ones that you would be likely to attend. *
9. If you have ideas of other events you would like to see, please describe them here.
10. What time of year suits you best for attending retreats? *
11. Does concern about catching Covid affect your decision to attend retreats?   *
12. How do you find our Covid precautions for retreats?

(Currently we ask that attendees complete a Covid test before setting out for retreat, and complete a Covid test on the second morning of the retreat. If they treat positive in either case they are asked not to attend, or to leave the retreat. More details can be found by following this link here.)
13. If you are someone who has not attended a WCF retreat since 2021, or who has not attended our retreats as frequently as previously, we would appreciate it if you could describe the factors which have affected your attendance.
14. You are invited to give your name and contact details here if you answered questions 9 or 13 so that we can contact you for clarification, if necessary, or alternatively if you are willing to support organising any such activities in any way.
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