NYC Resistance Visitor Registration
Thank you for visiting the great city of New York. We know you'll have a wonderful time in the most spectacular city in the world, and we want to make sure you get the most out of it both in and out of game.

Fill out the below to verify your identity and we'll add you to the NYC visitor Telegram chat and make sure you're invited to relevant events while you're in town.

We're also available as a source of local knowledge (restaurants, attractions, etc) while you're with us, so don't be afraid to ask if you need suggestions.

Welcome to New York!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Agent Name? *
Example: CalvinMcShard
What is your current level? *
What is your Email address? *
What is your Telegram username?
Who referred you to this form?
From what city and country are you visiting? *
Example: San Francisco, USA
Where will you be staying while in town? *
Example: Financial District, Manhattan or Woodside, Queens
When do you arrive to NYC? *
When do you leave? *
Introduce yourself!
Anything else you want to tell us about? What are you most interested in while ingressing in NYC?
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