BGSDTC Online Entry Form
Please complete one form for each dog to be entered - include catalogue order, sponsorship etc on your first form
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Email *
Class *
Dog's Registered Name *
Registration Body *
Registration Number *
Date of Birth *
Micro-Chip Number (must be 15 digits) *
Sire's Registered Name *
Sire's Registration Body *
Sire's Registration Number *
Dam's Registered Name *
Dam's Registration Body *
Dam's Registration Number *
Breeder's First Name *
Breeder's Surname *
Breeder's City and Postcode *
Breeder's Country *
Owner's First Name *
Owner's Surname *
Owner's City and Postcode *
Owner's Country *
Sex *
Coat Type *
GSDL Health Certificate Number or Breed Surveyor *
Hip Grade or Score (put Score in "other" Field) *
Elbow Grade or Score (put Score in "other" Field) *
Clear selection
Working Qualifications
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Other Titles
Clear selection
Junior Handler Name and Age
Fees *
Total Fees Payable
Please make fees payable to British German Shepherd Dog Training Club
sort code 20-50-82
account number 20220493
Please put the surname of the first named owner as reference for the payment
I/we agree to be bound by the rules and regulations set out by the WUSV/GSDL-British Regional Group
on those
advised by the WUSV. I/we confirm authorisation to enter the above event and for the data herewith
to be stored by the organisation for the purpose of running the event.. I/we confirm that the dog
/dog(s) entered have been free of disease for the preceding 21 days. I/We believe to the best of
my/our knowledge that the dog(s) are not disqualified under the Kennel Club, SV/WUSV or FCI Rules &
I/we declare to the best of my knowledge that the above details are true and accurate.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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