OpenPrescribing outlier report feedback
Please do not include any patient information or other personally identifiable information in your responses (other than about yourself, if you so wish).

Information collected in this form is done so on behalf of the Bennett Institute for Applied Data Science at the University of Oxford and will be used for improvement of the OpenPrescribing Outlier Dashboards, and to inform further research on the topic.  Anonymised excerpts from your responses may be included in academic papers resulting from this research.
Your email address is collected to enable us contact you regarding analysis of prescribing behaviours and will not be used for any other purposes or shared with any third party.
Your consent is conditional upon the university complying with its duties and obligations under the Data Protection Act (2018). Subject access, and data removal requests relating to information gathered in this form may be directed to
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Which organisation's report are you giving feedback on?
Please describe your relationship to the organisation (e.g. doctor, practice nurse, commissioner)
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