Web-to-App Attribution Reporting registration
Apps need to complete this form to request access to the registerWebSource() call in the Attribution Reporting API. This allows you to support web-to-app attribution by registering an ad click or impression from a web context (e.g. a web publisher), or passing registration of a web ad click or impression to the Attribution Reporting API. See more information about registerWebSource() here

After filling out this form, if approved, you will receive a verification email sent to the point of contact(s) listed in the form. 
Đăng nhập vào Google để lưu tiến trình của bạn. Tìm hiểu thêm
Company name *
Please include the name of the business unit if applicable. 
App package name *
Public key certificate of your app *
Provide the SHA-256 certificate fingerprint of your app. For more details see https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing
Name(s) of Point(s) of Contact *
Email Address(es) of Point(s) of Contact *
Please use your corporate email address.
Why do you need to call registerWebSource()?  *
For example, your app's primary purpose is to support web browsing.
Terms *
You must accept all of these terms to complete the form.
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