Assignment #3 Spike Bike
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10 points
Using the Worksheet Provided Build a Ball Launcher and Answer these Questions Below
What will happen to your speed when you go up a hill? *
10 points
What type of energy do you gain as you go up? *
5 points
What do you need to do to maintain a consistent energy level of you on your bike (your system)? *
5 points
Why do you think that's the case? *
10 points
Can your Bike do these things? *
15 points
Captionless Image
Why isn't the angle read by the Hub "0?" *
5 points
Why is there a weird curve at the beginning of the power line? *
5 points
Testing Uphill Climb
How can you describe what's happening to the motor's power as the bike goes uphill? *
5 points
Looking at the graph, where can you see that your bike is gaining potential energy? *
5 points
What happens with different slopes? *
5 points
What did you do well? Is there anything you could’ve done better? *
20 points
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