Ignition Theme Camps
Detailed information and descriptions of camps spaces, members & offerings for use of town planning & guidebook
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Camp Name
Short description (for guidebook)
List events, workshops, gifts, parties, etc preferred timing (its ok if this changes or is still developing, just email with updates :)  
How many members do you have (with confirmed tickets)?
How many people will you have camping in your space?
How much space does your camp require (length by width (meters))
Describe the layout of your camp (diagrams are welcome)
Camp Structures: how big, what are they made out of, will they be enclosed? For H\S we need to be in the know
Tents: How many, what size?
Parked vehicles & campers: How many, what size? Please note only necessary vehicles can stay on the paddock due to limited space e.g. used for storage of goods, sleeping, etc.  
Any vehicles that are for drop off of gear only? (will be driving out of paddock to parking area) Could you walk in this gear?
What is your desired surrounding environment? e.g. peaceful, party, family
Will you have a sound system? If so, please provide details of your sound system - specific as possible
Will you run a generator? If so when and what for?
Will you be operating in the day, night, or both? if both please indicate if you will be more active in the day or night
Will you be having fire? please provide details
Are you sharing resources with another theme camp? What and which Camp/s?
Are there other theme camps that you have a similar vibe/feel to and want to be clustered with? Which Camp/s?
Do you wish to be located next to a specific art piece? Which Art piece?
Do you desire open space out the front of your camp? i.e. a plaza
Will your camp be kid friendly? If so, will you have activities on specific for kids?
Do any members have accessibility needs? e.g required to be near accessible toilets?
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