CyVerse Subscriptions
Completing this survey will help us understand how moving to a subscription model will impact our users. It is important that we hear from you!

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How often do you visit the CyVerse website? *
How long have you been using CyVerse? *
Which CyVerse services do you use? (select all that apply) *
For what do you use CyVerse? Select all that apply: *
Which of these best describes your primary interest in CyVerse? Select all that apply: *
How essential is CyVerse and the data it contains for your research or teaching? *
Are you willing/able to contribute financially to support CyVerse? *
If you are not willing or able to pay for a subscription, please select reasons that apply: *
If you are unable/unwilling to subscribe, what will you use instead of CyVerse? *
If you are willing/able to pay for your CyVerse subscription, how will you pay for it? *
For the free tier, how much data storage is reasonable?
Clear selection
For the free tier, how many compute units are reasonable?
Clear selection
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