Discover Jesus App: Share Your Experience & Insights
Thank you for exploring the Discover Jesus app. 

As we strive to continuously improve and tailor our app to your needs, your insights are invaluable. 

This brief survey will help us understand your experience and identify how we can make the Discover Jesus app even more engaging and useful. 

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will contribute significantly to our ongoing development efforts.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
How did you first hear about the Discover Jesus app?
Please copy and paste the exact question
First Use Experience *
Describe your first experience using the Discover Jesus app. What stood out to you?

Feature Utilization and Relevance

Which features of the Discover Jesus app have you found most relevant or engaging so far? (Please select all that apply)
Improvements and Suggestions
What improvements or additional features would enhance your experience with the app?

Potential for Regular Use

Based on your initial experience, how likely are you to use the Discover Jesus app regularly?

Referral Likelihood

Based on your initial experience, how likely are you to use the Discover Jesus app regularly?

User Interview Participation

Would you be interested in participating in a brief interview to provide more detailed feedback about your experience with the app?

User Interview Participation

If yes, please provide your email address for us to contact you

Additional Comments

Please share any other comments or suggestions you might have:
Thank you! 
We sincerely thank you for your time and valuable insights. Your feedback is crucial in shaping the Discover Jesus app to better serve users like you. We are committed to creating an engaging and enriching experience through continual improvement.
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