Mentorship With Julie Tunador
Please complete this application. We are excited to work with you and will be in touch soon!
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Address (City/State/Country) *
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What specific area(s) of your life or business are you seeking coaching for?
What are your main goals or desired outcomes for working together?
What challenges or obstacles are currently preventing you or your business from reaching your desired outcomes?
Have you worked with a coach before? If yes, please provide details.
How committed are you to making changes or taking action to achieve your goals?
Hoping for the Best
Completely Committed
How do you envision your ideal future, both personally and professionally?
What support do you desire to help you overcome these challenges and achieve your goals?
Are you open to exploring new perspectives and approaches during the process?
What is your preferred mode of communication (in-person, phone, video call, email)?
How frequently are you available for coaching sessions?
How did you hear about our services?
Is there any additional information you would like to share that may be relevant to our partnership?
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