MAATA Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award Nominee Form

The Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award was developed to target students who take leadership roles in the field of Athletic Training either on or off their campus who have never had an opportunity to experience a NATA Annual Clinical Symposia & AT Expo.

To be eligible for consideration an applicant shall:

1. Be a member in good standing with the NATA/MAATA.

2. Have never attended the NATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia.

3. Be a current student or a graduate of a CAATE-accredited Professional Athletic Training program at a college or university within District III during the academic year when this application is submitted.

4. Have distinguished himself/herself academically with an overall minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (based on a maximum of 4.0) or its equivalent at ALL institutions attended. Records of students shall be judged on their grade point average at the completion of the most recent fall semester enrolled in the professional Athletic Training program. Submit transcripts to the current District 3 Director; 

5. Have performed with distinction clinically and through leadership participation (NOTE: The degree of the athletic training student's achievements shall be weighed at least equally with the degree of his/her academic performance)

6. Indicate an intention to continue academic and/or clinical work in Athletic Training beyond the completion of the Professional Athletic Training Program.

7. Have conducted himself/herself in a manner which has brought credit to the candidate, the ATP, the institution, intercollegiate athletics, and the ideals and objectives of American higher education. This includes demonstration of the ability to uphold the NATA Code of Ethics and BOC Standards of Practice.

Need shall not be a factor in granting MAATA scholarships. An award of assistance from other sources available to the applicant will not affect his/her eligibility for a MAATA Leadership scholarship. Moreover, an individual may not receive more than one MAATA scholarship during the same application period (NOTE: the recipient is expected to remain enrolled in the Athletic Training program except for military service or religious missions).


1. Each sponsoring Certified Athletic Trainer may submit no more than two recommendations for candidates from the institution the AT is affiliated. For example, one recommendation as the sponsoring athletic trainer and another recommendation as the sponsoring AT professor.

2. The four steps to complete a nomination are as follows:

A. The application is completed by February 15th of current year.  This includes emailing all ancillary documentation to the current District 3 Director.  Please include your name and scholarship name in the SUBJECT LINE. Email to:
B. An evaluation form is completed and signed by the sponsoring certified athletic trainer.

C. An evaluation is completed and signed by the Athletic Training professor or AT preceptor (NOTE: if a preceptor sponsors you, then an AT professor needs to provide the other recommendation and vice versa).

3. Applications must be completed online and supporting information emailed no later than February 15 of current year.  Please include the nominee’s name and scholarship name in the SUBJECT LINE. Email to:

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First Name *
Middle Initial
Last Name *
College/University *
Address while at College/University *
Street address while at College/University *
City *
State *
Zip *
Phone *
Email *
Permanent or Home Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Athletic Training Major GPA *
Cumulative GPA *
Anticipated Graduation Month & Year *
NATA Membership Number *
Month and Year You became an NATA Member *
NPI Number
Sponsoring Athletic Trainer's Name *
Sponsoring Athletic Trainer’s BOC number *
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