Beck&Call Hospitality Investor Inquiry FormĀ 
Thank you for your interest in investing in Beck&Call Hospitality. We're getting ready to enter the next phase of our business and are looking for serious investors to join us in our next chapter. Please fill out this form, and we will be in contact with you soon.
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Email *
Phone Number *
Full Name *
Primary Location (City, State) *
What is your age range? *
Are you an accredited or non-accredited investor? *
Have you previously invested? (antiques, art, real estate, stock/bonds) *
How much are you interested in investing? *
Is your investment focus on the operations/management side, the real estate/property side, or a combined investment?
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Do you prefer passive or active investing? *
What type of annual return would you be most interested in? *
How soon would you like to invest? *
What is the most you are willing to invest in a passive investment? *
Are you an individual or company/investment firm?(Please list company under other if applicable) *
If a company/investment firm, please state company name.
Do you wish to be added to our investor newsletter? *
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