Statement of Solidarity in Opposition to the Repressive Climate on US Campuses

We write as a group of educators to denounce the increasingly repressive climate on our campuses across the US. As educators invested in developing and upholding constructive learning environments, critical engagements with knowledge building, and transformative pedagogical discussions, we refuse to adhere to the censorship, policing, and the circumventing of our academic work and mission as educators. 

On December 14, upper-level administrators at Syracuse University surveilled, harassed, and intimidated SU undergrads peacefully gathering for a study-in in support of Palestine. Charging students with bullying and harassment, the administrators threatened students with academic sanctions for carrying signs that included the Arabic word intifada, calling in armed campus police to curtail the assembled students. They claimed that the word intifada, which in Arabic means uprising, “has been deemed by SU to be threatening” and that it can be “reasonably interpreted” as a “call to the genocide of Jewish people.” We assert that the “interpretation” of the word intifada as “a call for the genocide of Jewish people” is baseless and dangerous. Intentionally criminalizing the Arabic language implies that the language itself, and therefore Arabic speakers generally, are inherently violent and genocidal. Furthermore, such “interpretations” are based on reactionary, political, and often anti-intellectual administrative assumptions about these words and their meanings. We will not cede our expertise to administrators who broadly and selectively interpret terms, ideas, and concepts as they please, in the service of their political and economic gains and military investments. While administrators claim to be acting in the interest of students who feel threatened and endangered by such words, their actions prioritize the interests of a specific political ideology over their commitment to education, learning, and safety.  

The events at Syracuse University unfold against a national backdrop of political interference in classrooms and research. Universities are being enlisted to concede to the US state’s blanket political and military support of yet another war in the Middle East. In the last two and a half months, university administrators across the US have implemented a variety of regulatory measures, in violation of academic freedom, to repress pro-Palestinian student and faculty activism and to control the narrative about the unfolding genocide in Gaza. Such repressive measures include but are not restricted to: arbitrary cancellations of teach-ins and other events on Palestine, including the cancellation of a teach-in at Syracuse U on October 31; the disbanding and suspension of pro-Palestinian student groups such as SJP and JVP at Columbia U, Brandeis U, and George Washington U; threats made by university administrators to bring in the FBI to campus and curtail peaceful student protestors at Syracuse U; the subjection of graduate students at UC Irvine to disciplinary action for speaking up on Palestine; intimidating visits made by the FBI to student and community members in Syracuse and elsewhere; and calling the police on unarmed students participating in peaceful acts of protest; all while student and faculty calls for university support against physical intimidation, harassment, and doxxing have gone unheard and sidelined across different campuses. And, as we have noted above, administrators’ repressive tactics have now extended to policing language used by pro-Palestinian student supporters

These efforts are directly shaped by a national context in which politicians and university administrators have weaponized the law, policies, and the discourse of “safety” for ideological purposes. This includes the congressional hearings against university presidents from Harvard, UPenn, and MIT. Conducted under the guise of protecting Jewish students from a reported rise in anti-Semitism across university campuses, these public spectacles are part and parcel of a calculated and strategic campaign to disorient, muddle, and distract from what is happening on the ground in Gaza and international calls for an immediate ceasefire. University administrators are emboldened by a series of bipartisan congressional actions, including the resolution condemning anti-Semitism on college campuses and the testimony from three high-profile university presidents over anti-Semitism, as well as the passing of house resolution 894, which equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Against this backdrop, the Department of Education is today launching an ongoing investigation into twenty colleges and universities “as part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s continued efforts to take aggressive action to address the alarming nationwide rise in reports of antisemitism, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, and other forms of discrimination and harassment on college campuses.” Understood in tandem with one another, these actions create a climate of fear in which critique of the state of Israel is censored and foreclosed. 

The effects of this climate are now in full force on university campuses where, facing pressures from government officials, politicians, and donors, university administrators anoint themselves the defenders of student safety from largely imaginary and invented “calls to genocide” that gloss over real and rising rates of anti-Semitism and Islamophobic, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian attacks, including the shooting of three Palestinian university students last month in Vermont and the hit-and-run of a Muslim student at Stanford University. Perhaps more dangerously still, these obfuscating tactics gain more momentum and force as Israel’s actions against Palestinians become more brutally and boldly violent–and thus even harder to conceal or defend.    

This climate, and its brutal effects, are not limited to those who are critical of the Israeli state. It has been fostered by a continued assault on critical studies of race and gender; it has been fomented by book bans in schools and prisons; it has been cemented in Supreme Court decisions to refuse affirmative action. The widespread surveillance, repression, and policing of students, faculty, and staff who are critical of Israel are of a piece with other institutional and sociopolitical campaigns. Collectively, these campaigns seek to further marginalize and oppress communities who oppose the United States’ imperialist, white supremacist, anti-Black, and anti-Indigenous ideological agendas. These realities are connected. They are part of the same climate and this climate is affecting educators across the country. 

As educators, we are alarmed at the usurpation of our universities by this blatantly ideological and anti-intellectual climate of repression and fear. As educators, our role is to center nuanced approaches to understanding history, to contextualize contemporary events, and to question dominant discourse. Rather than cower and shy away from topics that rupture our collective sense of comfort, complacency, and distance, our role is to create courageous learning spaces where we ask tough questions and articulate nondominant ideas and viewpoints. 

As educators, we know that intellectual discomfort and unsafety are not the same. Our job is to teach, and therefore, to challenge. Reverting to reactionary measures that forsake the role of educators to administrators not only endangers those who are repressed by these measures, but also threatens the educational tenets of the university as a whole. We thus object to the political weaponization of limited notions of safety and the conflation of intellectual discomfort with physical injury or emotional harm. Political and administrative actions that ban and criminalize particular words and languages, or those who speak or stand up for them and what they represent, are not investments in our students, their safety, or their education. 

As educators, we refuse to forsake our commitment to education and will not abdicate the university or our roles in it to governmental and administrative attacks and fear mongering. 

We therefore demand that: 

  1. The intellectual work of interpretation, informed critique, and scholarly analysis be led by faculty experts in relevant fields. We refuse administrative efforts to control, limit, and sanction academic discourse. 
  2. University administrators cease from weaponizing notions of safety and using policing tactics to target, intimidate, and harass students, staff, and faculty.  
  3. Universities maintain their commitments to academic freedom, including the principle that discussion and open debate are central to free academic inquiry.
  4.  Administrators refrain from perpetuating a “Palestinian exception to free speech.” 

As signatories, we center these demands in our collective pursuit of just knowledges and educational practices across our university communities and intellectual commitments. We will not forsake our obligation to teach. We will not bow to administrative pressures, harassment, and intimidation. We believe that what we say, what we write, and what we teach matters and is worth defending. 

This statement is authored and circulated by members of the Faculty for Justice in Palestine-Syracuse University chapter (FJPSU). We invite all educators at US academic institutions and beyond to sign.


  1. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University 
  2. Sherene Seikaly, Associate Professor, History, UCSB
  3. Rinaldo Walcott, Professor, Africana and American Studies, University at Buffalo SUNY
  4. Christina Sharpe, Professor, Canada Research Chair, Humanities, York University, Toronto, Canada 
  5. Miriam Ticktin, Professor of Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center 
  6. Beverly Guy Sheftall, Professor, Women's Studies, Spelman College 
  7. Nadine Naber, Professor, Department of Gender and Women’s Studies and the Global Asian Studies Program, University of Illinois at Chicago
  8. David Palumbo-Liu, Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, Stanford University
  9. Linda Martin Alcoff, Professor, CUNY Graduate Center
  10. Angela Y Davis, Professor Emerita, University of California, Santa Cruz
  11. Biko Mandela Gray, Associate Professor, Religion, Syracuse University 
  12. Dana Olwan, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  13. Farha Ternikar, Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, LeMoyne college 
  14. Carol Fadda, Associate Professor, English Department, Syracuse University
  15. Kelly Gallagher, Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  16. Barbara Ransby, Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
  17. Evelyn Alsultany, Professor American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California 
  18. Robin Riley, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  19. Naoko Shibusawa, Associate Professor, History & American Studies, Brown University 
  20. Nancy Butler, Assistant Professor, Gender Studies Department, Queen’s University
  21. Yanira Rodriguez, Associate Professor, English, Alumni
  22. Mike Gill, Associate Professor, School of Education, Syracuse University
  23. Eunjung Kim, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies Department, Syracuse University 
  24. Taveeshi Singh, Graduate Instructor, Social Science Program, Syracuse University
  25. SamI Schalk, Associate professor, Gender & Women’s Studies, UW Madison
  26. Himika Bhattacharya, Associate Professor and Department Chair, Women's and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  27. Mohamed Abdou, Visiting Assistant Professor at Columbia U/Visiting Scholar at Cornell U, MESAAS, Columbia University
  28. Jess Myers, Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University 
  29. Lara Deeb, Professor, Anthropology, Scripps College
  30. Sarah Gualtieri, Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity,  Middle East Studies and History, American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California
  31. Nausheen Husain, Assistant Professor, Journalism, Syracuse University 
  32. Amy Kallander, Professor, History, Syracuse University
  33. Fatemeh Moghaddam, PhD candidate, Education and Gender Studies, Syracuse University 
  34. Jeanette Jouili, Associate Professor, Department of Religion, Syracuse University
  35. Roger Hallas, Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University
  36. Parvathy Binoy, Visiting Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies, Colgate University
  37. Carina Ray, Associate Professor, History, University of Michigan 
  38. Evan Bode, Part-Time Instructor, Film and Media Arts, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University
  39. Dr. Ahlam Muhtaseb, Professor Communication Studies, California State University, San Bernardino
  40. Manijeh Moradian, Assistant Professor, Women’s, Gender, Sexuality Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University 
  41. Ethan Madarieta, Assistant Professor, English, Syracuse University 
  42. Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, Assistant Professor, Architecture    Barnard College, Columbia University
  43. Emilie Cameron, Associate Professor, Dept of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
  44. Eman Abdelhadi, Assistant Professor, Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago
  45. Amina Mama, Professor, Gender Sexuality and Women's Studies, University of California, Davis
  46. Katherine Kidd, Assistant Teaching Professor, Department of English, Syracuse University
  47. Nicholas Rys, Professional Writing Instructor, Writing Studies, Syracuse University 
  48. Natalie El-Eid, PhD Candidate, English, Syracuse University 
  49. Banah Ghadbian, Assistant Professor, Comparative Women’s Studies, Spelman College
  50. Noura Erakat, Associate Professor, Africana Studies and the Program in Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 
  51. Jamie Magnusson, Dr., Adult Ed and Community Development, University of Toronto
  52. Sarah Miraglia, Part-Time Instructor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  53. Pamela Sertzen, Assistant Professor, Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity, Ithaca College
  54. Michelle Hartman, Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University
  55. Samah Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Philosophy and Religion, Ithaca College
  56. Crystal Bartolovich, Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University
  57. Aida Hernandez Castillo, Research Fellow, Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Studies, Harvard University
  58. Ken Harper, Associate Professor, Visual Communications, Syracuse University
  59. Azadeh Ghanizadeh, Graduate Fellow, Composition and Cultural Rhetoric, Syracuse University
  60. Lara Sheehi, Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology, Professional Psychology, George Washington University 
  61. Nicole Nguyen, Associate Professor, Criminology, Law, and Justice, University of Illinois at Chicago
  62. Danielle Dinovelli-Lang, Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University 
  63. Najwa Mayer, Postdoctoral Fellow, Society of Fellows, Boston University 
  64. Sang Kil, Professor, Justice, San Jose State University
  65. Darryl Li, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Chicago
  66. Kishi Animashaun Ducre, Associate Professor, African American Studies, Syracuse University 
  67. Helena Viramontes, Distinguished Professor of Arts & Sciences in English, Creative Writing, Literatures in English, Cornell University 
  68. Maram Kabbara, Legal Assistant, DLA Piper, Advocate
  69. Laura Jaffee, Research Affiliate, Educational Studies, Colgate University
  70. Christine Hong, Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies and Literature, UC Santa Cruz
  71. Fida Adely, Associate Professor, SFS, Georgetown University
  72. Takumi Murayama, Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Purdue University
  73. Madison Albano, Graduate Student, History, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  74. Evren Savcı, Assistant Professor, WGSS, Yale University
  75. Max Delsohn, MFA Candidate, English, Syracuse University
  76. Hunter Bivens, Associate Professor, Literature, UCSC
  77. Shaunak Phadnis, PhD Candidate, Linguistics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  78. Mia Tempestt Boykin, PhD Candidate, Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
  79. Kal Hardenbergh, PhD Student, Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
  80. Mirella Pretell, PhD Candidate, Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University
  81. Neda Atanasoski, Professor, Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, UMD College Park
  82. Jih-Fei Cheng, Associate Professor, Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Scripps College
  83. Farhana Sultana, Professor, Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University 
  84. Delali Kumavie, Assistant Professor, English, Syracuse University
  85. Madhubala, Graduate Student, Economics, Umass Amherst 
  86. Amelia Van Donsel, Teaching Associate, Writing Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  87. Paul Michael Atienza, Assistant Professor, Critical Race, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cal Poly Humboldt
  88. Joe Alicea, Graduate Instructor, Literature, UC Santa Cruz
  89. Crystal Baik, Associate Professor, Gender and Sexuality Studies, University of California, Riverside 
  90. Angie Sijun Lou, PhD Candidate, Literature, University of California Santa Cruz 
  91. Usama Alshaibi, Teaching Associate Professor, Communication Studies, Colorado State University
  92. Laura Heyman, Associate Professor, Art Photography, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  93. Elizabeth Bernstein, Professor and Chair, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University
  94. Carla Freccero, Professor, Literature, UC Santa Cruz
  95. Bassam Haddad, Founding Director, Associate Professor, Middle East and Islamic Studies, George Mason University
  96. Terri Ginsberg    Adjunct Assistant Professor, Arabic Program, Hunter College, CUNY
  97. Kim Miller, Professor, History of Art, Women's & Gender Studies, Wheaton College MA 
  98. Shauntay Larkins, Director of Student Achievement, Division of Humanities, UCSC
  99. Gina Dent, Professor, Feminist Studies, UC Santa Cruz
  100. Trung Nguyen, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, San Jose State University
  101. Michael Alexander Morris, Assistant Professor, Cinema, Denison University
  102. Anna Tsing, Professor, Anthropology, University of California, Santa Cruz
  103. Ipek Türeli, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, McGill University
  104. Dr. Tamara Lea Spira, Associate Professor, Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies & American Cultural Studies, Western  Washington University
  105. Crystal Doody, Esq., Attorney, Law Alumni, College of Law
  106. Christopher Connery, Professor, Literature, University of California Santa Cruz
  107. Charlotte Taylor, Assistant Professor of Media Arts, Art Department, Warren Wilson College
  108. Jackie Orr, Faculty emeritus, Sociology, Syracuse University
  109. Elyse Crystall, Teaching Professor, English & Comp Lit, UNC-Chapel Hill
  110. Micah Perks, Professor, Literature, UCSC
  111. Camilla Hawthorne, Associate Professor, Sociology / Critical Race & Ethnic Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
  112. Malek Abisaab, Associate with History & Classical Studies and Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University 
  113. Nada Elia, Visiting Associate Professor, Cultural studies, Fairhaven college, WWU
  114. Iyko Day, Professor, English and Critical Race & Political Economy, Mount Holyoke College
  115. Omar Olwan 
  116. Jeremy Randall, Associate Director, MEMEAC, The Graduate Center, CUNY
  117. Sangeeta Kamat, Professor, Education Policy Research, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
  118. Tula Goenka, Professor, Television, Radio & Film, Newhouse School, Syracuse University 
  119. Claire Begbie, PhD student, Film Studies, Concordia University
  120. Jeff Shalan, Professor, Division of Humanities, Union College of New Jersey
  121. Stephen Sheehi, Sultan Qaboos Professor of Middle East Studies    Arabic Studies, William & Mary
  122. Bram Wispelwey, Instructor, Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School 
  123. Juana Maria Rodriguez, Professor, Ethnic Studies
  124. Jay M. Smith, Professor, History, UNC-Chapel Hill
  125. Danielle Haque, Professor, English, Minnesota State University, Mankato
  126. Alisa Khan, Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
  127. Mariam Taher, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, Northwestern University 
  128. Heike Schotten, Professor, Political Science, University of Massachusetts Boston
  129. Judy Rohrer, Director, Gender, Women’s & Sexuality studies, Eastern Washington University
  130. Julia Talante, Lecturer, English, California State University, Dominguez Hills
  131. Rashmi Gangamma, Associate Professor, Couple and Family Therapy Program, University of Colorado, Denver 
  132. Laurel Jean Fredrickson, Associate Professor, Art History, Southern Illinois University
  133. Jess Posner, Part Time Faculty, School of Art, Syracuse University 
  134. Christopher Roberts, Assistant Professor, Theory History of Art and Design / Experimental and Foundation Studies, Rhode Island School of Design
  135. Walter Johnson, Winthrop, Professor, History and AAAS, Harvard University
  136. Linda Moses, Adjunct Professor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  137. Vijay Iyer, Professor, Music + African and African American Studies, Harvard University 
  138. Ghassan Abou-Zeineddine, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Creative Writing, Oberlin College 
  139. Michael Schwalbe, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, North Carolina State University
  140. Elizabeth Smith, Asst Professor of Instruction and College Adviser, Anthropology and WCAS Advising, Northwestern University
  141. Eric Porter, Professor, History, History of Consciousness, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
  142. Sintra Reves-Sohn, Graduate Student, Geosciences, UMass Amherst
  143. Norma Rantisi, Professor, Geography, Planning & Environment, Concordia University 
  144. M. Neelika Jayawardane, Associate Professor, English and Creative Writing, SUNY-Oswego 
  145. Mary Jo Klinker, Professor, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Winona State University
  146. Lafayette Cruise, Critic, Department of Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design
  147. Chris A. Eng, Assistant Professor, English, Washington University in St. Louis
  148. Elora Halim Chowdhury, Professor & Chair, Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston
  149. Francesca Liuni, Assistant Professor, Interior Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design 
  150. Mohammed Bamyeh, Professor, Sociology, University of Pittsburgh
  151. Deena Z. Naime, PhD Candidate, American Studies & Ethnicity, University of Southern California
  152. Nadine Sinno, Associate Professor of Arabic, Modern and Classical Langs and Literatures, Virginia Tech
  153. Gonzalo Bacigalupe, Professor, Counseling Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
  154. Wendy Matsumura, Associate Professor, History, UC San Diego
  155. Annie Wilkinson, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Northwestern University
  156. Margaret Little, Professor, Gender Studies/Political Studies, Queen’s University
  157. Amira Jarmakani, Professor, women's, gender, and sexuality studies, San Diego State University
  158. Mohja Kahf, Professor, Roper Chair English, University of Arkansas 
  159. Elleza Kelley, Assistant Professor, English & African American Studies    Yale University
  160. PJ DiPietro, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  161. Rowan Powell, PhD candidate, Politics, UCSC
  162. Karen L. Suyemoto, Professor, Psychology and Asian American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston
  163. Bill V. Mullen, Professor Emeritus, American Studies, Purdue University
  164. Shirin Saeidi, Assistant professor, Political Science, University of Arkansas
  165. Melissa Weiner, Professor, Sociology & Anthropology, College of the Holy Cross
  166. Vivian Solana, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University
  167. Secil Dagtas, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Waterloo
  168. Danika Medak-Saltzman, Assistant Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  169. Farzin Lotfi-Jam, Assistant Professor, Architecture, Cornell University
  170. Dana Francisco Miranda, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Boston
  171. Ahmed Kanna, Professor of Anthropology, School of International Studies, University of the Pacific 
  172. Thomas Le, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Bryn Mawr College
  173. Khanh T. Dinh, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Lowell
  174. Yara Mekawi, Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville
  175. Sara Bufferd, Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Louisville
  176. Frederick Neuhouser, Professor, Philosophy, Barnard College 
  177. Konrad Bresin, Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville
  178. Nadia Al-Dajani, Assistant Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville
  179. Miguel Montalva Barba, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Criminology Department, University of Massachusetts Boston
  180. Mohammad M. Abdel Haq, Professor of Sociology, Sociology Department, California State University, Fullerton 
  181. Layla Goushey, Professor, English, St. Louis Community College
  182. Jeffrey Skoller, Prof. Emeritus, Film & Media, UC Berkeley
  183. Jiwoon Yulee, Visiting Assistant Teaching Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University
  184. Kevin A. Gould, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Planning and Environment, Concordia University, Montreal Canada
  185. Sherryl Kleinman, Emerita Professor, Sociology, University of North, Carolina-Chapel Hill
  186. Jake Kosek, Associate Professor, Geography, UC Berkeley
  187. Ilze Wolff, Dean’s Visiting Assistant Professor, Graduate school of Architecture Planning and Preservation, Columbia GSAPP & Liverpool University 
  188. Léopold Lambert, Editor-in-Chief, The Funambulist
  189. Leslie Salzinger, Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  190. Huda Fakhreddine, Associate Professor of Arabic Literature, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania
  191. Kriti Sharma, Assistant Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
  192. Haley Kost, Senior Program Coordinator, Center for Civic Engagement, Office of the Provost, Northwestern University 
  193. Kirsten L. Scheid, Professor of Anthropology and Art Studies, Sociology, Anthropology, and Media Studies, American University of Beirut
  194. Akira Drake Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, City & Regional Planning     University of Pennsylvania, Weitzman School of Design
  195. Dagmawi Woubshet, Associate Professor, English University of Pennsylvania
  196. Joel Gordon, Professor, History, Center for Middle East Studies
  197. Kenneth, Graduate Student    School of Public Polic, UMass Amherst
  198. Marilyn D. Lovett, Associate Professor, Psychology, Clark Atlanta University
  199. Andrew Ross, Professor, Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU
  200. Rebecca Karl, Professor, History, New York University
  201. Yulia Gilich, Lecturer, Film & Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz
  202. Jennifer Tseng, Assistant Professor, Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
  203. Niki Kasumi Clements, Watt & Lilly Jackson Associate Professor, Religion, Rice University
  204. David Stein, Assistant Professor, History, UCSB
  205. Zainab Saleh, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Haverford College
  206. Shaista Aziz Patel, Assistant Professor of Critical Muslim Studies, Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego
  207. Lydia Pelot-Hobbs, Assistant Professor, Geography and African American & Africana Studies, University of Kentucky 
  208. Pam Butler, Associate Director, Gender Studies, University of Notre Dame
  209. Trude Bennett, Associate Professor Emerita, Maternal and Child Health, UNC Chapel Hill
  210. Maud Burnett McInerney, Professor and Chair of Comparative Literature, English, Haverford College
  211. Altha Cravey, Associate Professor (retired), Geography, UNC Chapel Hill
  212. Deborah Gordon, Associate Professor, Women, Ethnicity, and Intersectional Studies, Wichita State University
  213. Catherine Zimmer, Adjunct Professor, Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  214. Gabby Follett Sumney, Assistant Professor, Film Production & Media Studies, Penn State University
  215. David Kazanjian, Professor, English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania
  216. Martin Nguyen, Professor, Religious Studies, Fairfield University 
  217. Zachary Levenson, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Global and Sociocultural Studies, Florida International University
  218. Kathy Engel, Associate Arts Professor, Department of Art & Public Policy, Tisch School of the Arts, NYU
  219. Robin Gabriel, Ph.D. Candidate, Sociology and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California Santa Cruz
  220. Alex Lubin, Professor, African American Studies and History, Penn State University
  221. Karma R. Chávez, Bobby and Sherri Patton Professor, Mexican American and Latina/o Studies, The University of Texas at Austin
  222. Abdulrahman Atta, Lecturer, NELC, UPenn 
  223. Colleen Lye, Associate Professor, English, UC Berkeley
  224. Pauline Homsi Vinson, Lecturer, English, University of Michigan, Dearborn
  225. Louise Cainkar, Professor, Social Sciences, Marquette University 
  226. Thomas Simsarian Dolan, American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellow, Middle Eastern and South Asian Studies, Emory University
  227. Anita Sundrani, Research Associate, Education, Northwestern University
  228. Coran Klaver, Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University
  229. Keith P. Feldman, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
  230. Joo Ok Kim, Associate Professor, Literature, UCSD
  231. Charlotte Karem Albrecht, Associate Professor, American Culture, Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Michigan Ann Arbor
  232. Nora Jacobsen Ben Hammed, Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, UC Berkeley 
  233. Cori Hayden, Professor, Anthropology, UC Berkeley, Anthropology 
  234. Ken Ehrlich, Artist and Faculty, Critical Studies, USC & CalArts
  235. Michael Palm, Associate Professor, Communication, UNC-Chapel Hill
  236. Johanna Bermudez, PhD Student, English Department, Syracuse University
  237. Scott Stevens, Associate Professor, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Syracuse University 
  238. June Hwang, Director, Susan B. Anthony Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, University of Rochester
  239. Rebecca Karam, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Michigan State University
  240. Stan Thangaraj, Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Stonehill College
  241. Andrea Morrell, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Guttman CC, CUNY
  242. Keith McNeal, Associate Professor, Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Houston
  243. Mariam Durrani, Professorial Lecturer, School of International Service, American University
  244. Ashley Ngozi Agbasoga, Assistant Professor, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University 
  245. Sarah Howard, Instructor, Environmental Biology, SUNY ESF
  246. Judith Rodenbeck, Professor, Media & Cultural Studies, UC Riverside
  247. Mejdulene Shomali, Associate Professor, Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, University of Maryland Baltimore County
  248. Ksenia Fir, Ph.D. candidate, Film and Digital Media, Feminist Studies, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz 
  249. Suad Joseph, Distinguished Research Professor, Anthropology, University of California, Davis
  250. William I. Robinson, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, University of California at Santa Barbara
  251. micha cárdenas, Associate Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz
  252. John Ortiz Vargas, MFA Student, Film and Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz
  253. alex cruse, PhD. student, Film and Digital Media, UC Santa Cruz
  254. Cookie Woolner, Associate Professor, History, University of Memphis 
  255. Antonio T. Tiongson Jr., Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University 
  256. Niiyokamigaabaw Deondre Smiles, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Victoria
  257. Jean-Pierre Reed, Professor, School of Africana and Multicultural Studies & School of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 
  258. Elsa Auerbach, Professor Emerita, English, UMass Boston
  259. Robert Clines, Associate Professor, History and International Studies, Western Carolina University and Syracuse alum (PhD 2014)
  260. Melody McKiver, Assistant Professor, Desaultels Faculty of Music, Indigenous Music, University of Manitoba
  261. Jeff Melnick, Professor, American Studies, UMass Boston
  262. Roshanak Kheshti, Associate Professor, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies, UC Berkeley
  263. Mirella Pretell Gomero, PhD Candidate, Geography & the Environment    Syracuse University
  264. Salah D Hassan, Associate Professor, English, Michigan State University 
  265. Joey Swerdlin, Adjunct Professor, Architecture, University at Buffalo
  266. Andre Ortega, Assistant Professor, Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University 
  267. Rankin Renwick, Director, Motion pictures, Oregon Department of Kick Ass
  268. Rawiya Kameir, Assistant Professor, Magazine, News & Digital Journalism, Syracuse University
  269. Barry Eidlin, Associate Professor, Sociology, McGill University 
  270. Karla J. Strand, DPhil, MLIS, Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian, Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  271. Glenn Hinson, Associate Professor, Anthropology & American Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill
  272. omar hisham altalib, Instructor, Sociology, IKI Academy
  273. Miranda Meyer, Doctoral candidate / adjunct lecturer, Earth and Environmental Sciences, CUNY
  274. Michael Rodríguez-Muñiz, Associate Professor, Sociology, University of California, Berkeley
  275. Ianna Hawkins Owen, Assistant Professor, English, Boston University
  276. Heba Gowayed, Associate Professor, Sociology, CUNY
  277. Devon Narine-Singh, Part-Time Instructor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University 
  278. Zelikha Shoja, Graduate Student and Staff, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University 
  279. Ednie Kaeh Garrison, Lecturer, Women's, Gender, and Queer Studies, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
  280. Deborah E. McDowell, Alice Griffin Professor of English, English, University of Virginia
  281. Jennifer Nelson, Associate Professor, Art History, University of Delaware
  282. Rana Jaleel, Associate Professor, Gender Studies and Asian American Studies, UC Davis
  283. Avery Everhart, Assistant Professor, Geography, University of British Columbia
  284. Laurie Essig, Professor, Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies, Middlebury College
  285. Suvir Kaul, A M Rosenthal Professor, English, University of Pennsylvania 
  286. Paige Sarlin, Associate Professor, Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo / SUNY
  287. Diana Arterian, Assistant Professor of Practice, English, Merrimack College
  288. Robert Newman, Professor, Biology, University of North Dakota
  289. Tania Lizarazo, Associate Professor, Modern Languages + Global Studies, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  290. Don Nonini, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  291. Diana Allan, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, McGill University
  292. Gwendolyn D. Pough, Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University 
  293. Amanda Smith, Associate Professor, Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz
  294. Ania Loomba, Professor, English, University of Pennsylvania 
  295. Jamie McCallum, Professor, Sociology, AAUP, Middlebury
  296. Patricia Morton, Associate Professor, Media and Cultural Studies University of California, Riverside
  297. Indrani Chatterjee, Professor, History Department, University of Virginia 
  298. Zoe Zhao, Assistant Professor, Sociology, UC Santa Cruz
  299. Patricia Saldarriaga, Professor, Luso-Hispanic Studies, Middlebury College
  300. Maria E, Professor, Romance & Classical Studies, Michigan State University
  301. Tina Shull, Associate Professor, History, UNC Charlotte
  302. Shereen Naser, Associate Professor, Psychology, Cleveland State University 
  303. Alice Verticelli, Assistant Professor, Political Science and International Relations, University of Delaware
  304. James Wright, Associate Director and Instructor, Writing Center and Graduate School, University of Maryland, Baltimore 
  305. Mitra Rastegar, Clinical Associate Professor, Liberal Studies, New York University 
  306. Emmaia Gelman, Professor, Social Sciences, Sarah Lawrence College
  307. Mahruq Khan, Teaching Associate Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  308. Key K. Bird, Doctoral Candidate, English Department, SUNY Albany
  309. Sabina Vaught, Professor, Teaching, Learning, and Leading, University of Pittsburgh 
  310. Ellery Bryan, Part-Time Instructor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  311. Dina M Siddiqi, Clinical Associate Professor, Liberal Studies, NYU
  312. Khanum Shaikh, Associate Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, California State University, Northridge
  313. Lambda Moses, Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology
  314. Marisol Negrón, Assistant Professor, American Studies and Latino Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston
  315. Heidi R. Lewis, President, National Women’s Studies Association, Associate Professor, Feminist & Gender Studies, Colorado College
  316. Aren Aizura, Associate Professor and Chair, Gender Women and Sexuality Studies, University of Minnesota 
  317. Theresa Montaño, Professor & Associate Chair, Chicana/o Studies, Cal State University Northridge (CSUN)
  318. Kwame Edwin Otu, Associate Professor, SFS/African Studies Program, Georgetown University 
  319. Sharmila Lodhia, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, Santa Clara University
  320. Omar Ali, Assistant, Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University 
  321. Janet Sarbanes, Faculty, Critical Studies, CalArts
  322. Carole Crumley, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  323. Zavier Wingham, PhD Candidate, History/Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies, New York University
  324. Robin D. G. Kelley, Professor, History, UCLA 
  325. Jonathan  Beller, Professor, Media Studies, Pratt Institute 
  326. Lisa Bhungalia, Assistant Professor, Geography, Kent State University
  327. Daniel Segal, Jean M Pitzer Professor Emeritus, History and Anthropology, Pitzer College
  328. Matt Huber, Professor, Department of Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University 
  329. Gopal Dayaneni, Lecture Faculty, Race and Resistance Studies, San Francisco State University
  330. Sheena Malhotra, Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, California State University, Northridge
  331. Malini Ranganathan, Associate Professor, School of International Service,Faculty
  332. Jennifer Brody, Assistant Professor, Part Time Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  333. Juno Salazar Parreñas, Associate Professor, Science and Technology Studies and Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cornell University
  334. Micah Goodrich, Assistant Professor, English, Boston University 
  335. Andy Clarno, Associate Professor, Sociology and Black Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
  336. Sahar Aziz, Distinguished Professor of Law, Law School, Rutgers University
  337. Keith Jones, Lecturer    Africana Studies Department, University of Massachusetts, Boston
  338. Jose Manuel Torres López, Graduate Student, Physics, University of Texas at Austin
  339. JOHN MAERHOFER, Assistant teaching professor, Writing studies, Rutgers New Brunswick 
  340. Ariana Vigil, Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
  341. Isaac Kamola, Associate Professor, Political Science, Trinity College
  342. Noah Tamarkin, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University
  343. Sylvia Chan-Malik, Associate Professor, American Studies & WGSS, Rutgers-NB
  344. Kareem Rabie, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago
  345. Andrew Stevens, Associate Professor, Business Administration, University of Regina
  346. Jason Livingston, PhD candidate, Department of Media Study, University at Buffalo | SUNY
  347. Yelena Gluzman, Assistant Professor of Science, Technology and Society Studies, Department of Art & Design, University of Alberta
  348. Asher Ghertner, Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Rutgers University, New Brunswick
  349. Sanghyuk Shin, Associate Professor, Nursing, UC Irvine
  350. Alexander Betsos, PhD Student, Science and Technology Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
  351. Tamika Galanis, Assistant Professor of Film, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University 
  352. Madiha Tahir, Assistant Professor, American Studies, Yale University 
  353. Melanie Dennis Unrau, Postdoctoral Fellow, Geography/Environmental Studies and English, University of Regina
  354. Evie Johnny Ruddy, PhD Candidate, Cultural Mediations, Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Culture, and Art, Carleton University 
  355. Joyce Green, Professor Emerita, Political and International Studies, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
  356. Nadia Guessous, Associate Professor and Chair, Feminist and Gender Studies, Colorado College
  357. John Colasacco, instructor, Writing, Syracuse
  358. Terra E. Talamh, PhD Candidate, School of Interdisciplinary Arts, Ohio University
  359. Kate Warren, Adjunct Professor, Film and Media Arts, Newhouse School of Communication, Syracuse University 
  360. Shakil M. Khan, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Regina
  361. Golam Kabir, Associate Professor, Industrial Systems Engineering, University of Regina
  362. Maria I Velez, Professor, Geology, U of Regina
  363. Ethel Brooks, Chair and Associate Professor, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Rutgers University 
  364. Amjad Salam, Adjunct Professor, Industrial System, University of Regina
  365. Zsuzsa Kaldy, Professor, Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
  366. Angela P. Harris, Professor Emerita, University of California Davis, School of Law
  367. Florence Stratton, Emerita, English, University of Regina
  368. Deniz Ortactepe Hart, Lecturer, Language teacher education, University of Glasgow
  369. Samah Selim, Professor, AMESALL, Rutgers University
  370. Whitney Blaisdell, PhD Student, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
  371. Verda Petry, retired Chancellor, University of Regina Board administration, University of Regina
  372. Ellen Schrecker, Professor of History (ret.), History, Yeshiva University
  373. Natalee Price, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry, University of New Mexico
  374. Catherine Wineinger, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Western Washington University 
  375. Carter Mathes, Associate Professor, English, Rutgers University
  376. Eli Meyerhoff, Visiting Scholar, Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University
  377. Lucy Burns, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, UCLA 
  378. David Kurnick, Professor, English, Rutgers University-New Brunswick 
  379. Mark Driscoll, Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  380. Catharine Wright, Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric, Writing and Rhetoric and Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, Middlebury College
  381. Zeynep Korkman, Associate Professor, Gender Studies, UCLA
  382. Russell Rickford, Associate Professor, History, Cornell University
  383. Michel DeGraff, Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics & Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  384. Allan Punzalan Isaac, Professor, American Studies, Rutgers University-NB
  385. Carolyn Grose, Professor of Law, Faculty, Mitchell Hamline School of Law
  386. Margaret Montoya, Professor Emerita of Law, School of Law, University of New Mexico 
  387. Guangtian Ha, Assistant Professor, Religion, Haverford College; The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies
  388. B Noite, Assistant Professor, English, UCLA
  389. Emily Duncan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina
  390. Adam Benkato, Associate Professor, Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures, University of California, Berkeley
  391. Amahl Bishara, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Tufts University 
  392. Ionah Scully, PhD Candidate, Cultural Foundations of Education, Syracuse University 
  393. Isaac Ginsberg Miller, Ph.D. Candidate, Black Studies, Northwestern University
  394. Natalie Gallagher, Professor, Women and Gender Studies, Syracuse university 
  395. Kimberly Segall, Professor of English, Director of Social Justice & Cultural Studies, English and Cultural Studies, Seattle Pacific University
  396. Chandan Reddy, Associate Professor, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, University of Washington
  397. Mona Bhan, Professor, Anthropology, Syracuse University
  398. Jared Poole, Assistant Professor, Management, University of Massachusetts Boston
  399. Pranav Jani, Associate Professor, English, The Ohio State University
  400. Annalisa Quaini, Professor, Mathematics, University of Houston
  401. Toby Jones, Associate Professor, History Department, Rutgers University, New Brunswick 
  402. Nicole Brec, Graduate, School of Education, Syracuse University
  403. Suleyman Uludag, Professor, Computer Science, U of Michigan - Flint
  404. Hafsa Kanjwal, Assistant Professor, History, Lafayette College
  405. Sara Shaban, Assistant Professor, Communication and Journalism, Seattle Pacific University 
  406. Zahid Syed, Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Michigan
  407. Tanya Hernandez, Professor, Law, Fordham University
  408. Muhammad Ali Khalidi, Presidential Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy, Graduate Center, City University of New York 
  409. Jamal Ali, Assistant Teaching Professor, AMESALL, Rutgers University
  410. Liana Saif, Assistant professor, History, University of Amsterdam
  411. Barbara Foley, Emerita Distinguished Professor, English, Rutgers University-Newark
  412. Leila Kawar, Associate Professor, Department of American Culture, University of Michigan
  413. Matthew Ezzell, Professor, Sociology, James Madison University 
  414. David Tenorio, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies/Spanish and Portuguese, University of Pittsburgh 
  415. Savithry Namboodiripad, Assistant Professor, Linguistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  416. Amir Maghsoodi, PhD Candidate, Educational Psychology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  417. Khaled Mattawa, William Wilhartz Professor of English Language and Literature, English, University of Michigan
  418. Emily Marker, Associate Professor, History, Rutgers University-Camden 
  419. Angie Willey, Associate Professor, Women Gender Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
  420. Alan Wald, H. Chandler Davis Collegiate Professor Emeritus, English Literature & American Culture, University of Michigan
  421. David Letwin, Lecturer, Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers University
  422. Anna Bigelow, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Stanford University
  423. Aly, student, Rutgers 
  424. Daniel Sidorick, Lecturer, Labor Studies, Rutgers University
  425. Marianna Ritchey, Associate Professor of Music History, Music and Dance, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  426. Lindsey French, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media, Art and Performance, University of Regina
  427. Inaash Islam, Assistant Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Saint Michael's College
  428. Pallavi Banerjee, Associate Professor of Sociology and University Research Excellence Chair, Sociology, University of Calgary
  429. Emily Eaton, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Regina
  430. Viola Lasmana, Postdoctoral Associate, American Studies and Global Asias, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
  431. Sara Awartani, Collegiate Fellow & Assistant Professor, American Culture, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  432. Nadia Abuelezam, Associate Professor, Connell School of Nursing, Boston College
  433. Preeti Sharma, Assistant Professor, American Studies, California State University, Long Beach
  434. Sonali Dhanpal, Dr, Mellon Fellow, Princeton University 
  435. Svati P. Shah, Associate Professor, WGSS, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 
  436. Rachel Barber, Lecturer, Writing Program, Rutgers University
  437. Suzy Kim, Professor, Asian Languages and Cultures, Rutgers University
  438. Mukti Lakhi Mangharam, Associate Professor, English, Rutgers University
  439. Manan Desai, Associate Professor, American Culture and Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies, University of Michigan
  440. Aurelia Gómez Unamuno, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Spanish, Haverford College 
  441. Howard Swerdloff, Lecturer, English Writing Program, Rutgers University
  442. Elizabeth Rhodes, Professor, Romance Languages & Literatures, Boston College
  443. Deborah T Levenson, Professor Emerita, History, Boston College
  444. Leah Entenmann, Adjunct Lecturer, Anthropology, John Jay College
  445. Usha Iyer, Assistant Professor, Art & Art History, Stanford University
  446. Mohamed Dhia Hammami, PhD Student, Political Science Department, Syracuse University
  447. Mana Kia, Associate Professor, Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies, Columbia University
  448. Ann Cammett, Professor of Law, Faculty, CUNY School of Law
  449. Hanan Elsayed, Associate Professor of French and Arabic, Spanish and French Studies, Occidental College
  450. Eric Weiskott, Professor, English, Boston College
  451. Qiu Fogarty, Associate Director, Social Justice Education, Northwestern University
  452. Josen Diaz, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of San Diego
  453. Matthew Jaber Stiffler, Lecturer II, American Culture, University of Michigan
  454. Marta Lopez-Garza, Professor Emerita, Gender & Women's and Chicana/o Studies Departments, California State University, Northridge
  455. Mary Christianakis, Professor, Critical Theory and Social Justice, Occidental College 
  456. Mel Y. Chen, Professor, Gender and Women's Studies, U.C. Berkeley
  457. Maria Hantzopoulos, Professor, Education, Vassar College
  458. Elliott Bazzano, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Le Moyne College 
  459. Caitlin Joy Dobson, Visiting Instructor, Critical Theory and Social Justice, Occidental College
  460. Lalita du Perron, Associate Director, Center for South Asia, Stanford University 
  461. Eve Spangler, Associate Professor, Sociology, Boston College
  462. Sunaina Maira, Professor, Asian American Studies, UC Davis
  463. Haytham Saqr, Adjunct Professor, Newhouse, Syracuse University 
  464. Andy Jose Lopez, Student, Sociology, Make a change
  465. Khyree Davis, Assistant Professor, Black Studies, Middlebury College
  466. Heather Tucker, Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Medicine, University of Michigan
  467. Liz Sanchez, Adjunct Faculty, Sociology/Queer Studies, California Community College
  468. Ed Cohen, Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, WGSS    Rutgers
  469. Chie Sakakibara, Associate Professor, Native American and Indigenous Studies, Syracuse University 
  470. Maya Harakawa, Assistant Professor, Art History, University of Toronto 
  471. Anjali Nath, Assistant Professor, ICCIT, UofT 
  472. Sophia Azeb, Assistant Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz
  473. Beenash Jafri, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies, UC Davis
  474. Evelyn Ortiz Soto, Master's student, Political science, CSULB
  475. Stephen P. Gasteyer, Associate Professor, Sociology, Michigan State University
  476. Chandni Desai, Assistant Professor, CSES, University of Toronto 
  477. Keva X. Bui, Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  478. Celia Haig-Brown, Professor, Faculty of Education, York University
  479. Joan Bryant, Associate Professor, African American Studies, Syracuse University
  480. Paula C. Johnson, Professor, Law, Syracuse University
  481. Amy Brainer, Associate Professor, Women’s & Gender Studies and LGBTQ Studies, University of Michigan - Dearborn 
  482. Jenan Kharbush, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  483. Muhannad Ayyash, Professor of Sociology, Sociology & Anthropology, Mount Royal University 
  484. Bridget Guarasci, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Franklin & Marshall College
  485. Natalie Coulter, Associate Professor, Communication and Media Studies, York University 
  486. Gretchen Purser, Associate Professor, Sociology, Syracuse University
  487. Nesha Haniff, Lecturer, Afroamerican and African Studies, Ret
  488. Ivy Mills, Continuing Lecturer, History of Art, UC Berkeley
  489. Leila Ben-Nasr, Visiting Assistant Professor of Comparative American Studies, Comparative American Studies, Oberlin College & Conservatory 
  490. Lisa Stampnitzky, Lecturer, Politics and International Relations, University of Sheffield
  491. Lisa Lowe, Professor, American Studies, Yale University
  492. Lisa Suhair Majaj, Independent scholar and writer
  493. Kamala Kempadoo, Professor Emerita, Social Science, York University 
  494. Ali Kazimi, Professor, Cinema and Media Arts, York University
  495. Nisha Nath, Associate Professor, Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies, Athabasca University
  496. Jackie Fennessy, BA student, humanities and sciences, Chapman University
  497. Lamis Abdelaaty, Associate Professor, Political Science, Syracuse University
  498. Jeffrey Santa Ana, Associate Professor, English, Stony Brook University
  499. Gail Lewis, Visiting Professor, WGSS, Yale University 
  500. Richard Chang, Doctoral Student, Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  501. Michelle Velasquez-Potts, Assistant Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, University of Oklahoma 
  502. Iman Alsmadi, PhD Student, Sociology, Cornell University
  503. Megan Lorraine Debin, Professor, Art History, Fullerton College 
  504. Md Sajid Khan, Masters student, Computer Science, University of Regina 
  505. Kishwar Rizvi, Professor, History of Art and Architecture, Yale University
  506. Pauline Kaldas    Professor, English & Creative Writing, Hollins University
  507. Avital Datskovsky, PhD Student, Anthropology, Syracuse University 
  508. Ka-eul Yoo, UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow, Asian American Studies, UC Irvine
  509. Akhila L. Ananth, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice, California State University, Los Angeles
  510. Iliana Flores, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Counseling Psychology, Fuller Clinic 
  511. Tiana Reid, Assistant Professor, English, York University
  512. Kadji Amin, Associate Professor, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Emory University
  513. Randa Tawil, Assistant Professor, Women and Gender Studies
  514. Kyuhyun Han, Assistant Professor, History, University of Rhode Island
  515. Elmaz Abinader, Professor of English, College of Social Science and Humanities, Mills College at Northeastern University 
  516. Amy Chazkel, Associate Professor, History, Columbia University 
  517. Vatya Raina, PhD Student, Anthropology, Syracuse University 
  518. Modhumita Roy, Associate Professor, English, Tufts University
  519. Flora Lu, Professor, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz
  520. Kazi Farzana Shoily, PhD Student, History, Syracuse University 
  521. Parag Jyoti Saikia, PhD Candidate, Anthropology, UNC-Chapel Hill
  522. Bryana Jones, PhD Candidate, Black Studies, Northwestern University 
  523. Viviana MacManus, Associate Professor, Spanish and French Studies, Occidental College 
  524. Zaid Adhami, Assistant Professor, Religion, Williams College 
  525. Sonny Dhoot, Assistant Professor, GWS, MSU Denver 
  526. Diya Bose, Assistant Professor, GSWS and Sociology, William and Mary
  527. Cristina Mislan, Associate Professor, Journalism, University of Missouri
  528. Qais Assali, Artist/Educator, School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University, Professor of the Practice 
  529. Usha Viswanathan, Associate professor, Glendon College, York University
  530. Kamila Shakur, Student, Global Studies, Oakland Community College 
  531. Diane Grimes, Associate Professor of Communication, Communication and Rhetorical Studies, Syracuse University
  532. Thorn Chen, Assistant Professor, Communication, Tulane University 
  533. Sean M. Conrey, PT Assistant Professor, English, Syracuse University
  534. Shanté Paradigm Smalls, Associate Professor, Art & Public Policy, Tisch School of the Arts, New York University 
  535. Nanky Rai, MD MPH CCFP, Family Physician, Community Scholar, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto 
  536. Boyeong Kim, Ph.D. Candidate, Latin American and Latino Studies, UC Santa Cruz
  537. Shasanka Chalise, Assistant Professor, Business Administration, University of Regina
  538. Nora Akawi, Assistant Professor, Architecture, The Cooper Union, New York
  539. Daniel Owen, Graduate Student Instructor, South & Southeast Asian Studies, UC Berkeley
  540. Nadia Ahmed, PhD student, School of Pharmacy, Memorial University of Newfoundland
  541. Cassius Adair, Assistant Professor, Media Studies, The New School
  542. Mohammad Ebad Athar, PhD Candidate, History, Syracuse University
  543. Zisis Papandreou, Professor, Physics, University of Regina
  544. Emory N. Spence, Advisor, Office of Financial Aid, Oregon State University
  545. Yumna Siddiqi, Associate Professor, English, Middlebury College
  546. Cynthia Wright, Associate Professor, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, York University
  547. Daniel Vitkus, Professor, Literature, UC San Diego 
  548. Eli Manning, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
  549. Mary McLoughlin, PhD Candidate, Political Science, Syracuse University
  550. Ronak K Kapadia, Associate Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Illinois Chicago
  551. Natalie Kouri-Towe, Associate Professor, Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University
  552. Lara Jirmanus, Clinical Instructor, Department of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
  553. Nishant Upadhyay, Assistant Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
  554. Christoph Hanssmann, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies, UC Davis
  555. Uzair Mir, PhD student, Anthropology, The University of Texas at Austin
  556. Aletha Dale McCullough, Ph.D Candidate, Sustainability Education , Prescott College
  557. Narj, Student, Rutgers University
  558. Ala Soofian, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Stanford School of Medicine
  559. Anita N. Jain, Professor, Ethnic and Women's Studies, CSU Pomona
  560. Warren Montag, Professor, English Department, Occidental College
  561. Nina Fonoroff, Associate Professor, Film and Digital Arts, University of New Mexico
  562. Bassam Sidiki, Assistant Professor, English, University of Texas at Austin 
  563. Jayati Ghosh, Professor, Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  564. andré carrington, associate professor, English, UC Riverside
  565. Jessica Hallenbeck, SHHRC Banting Postdoctoral Scholar, Queen’s University, Cultural Studies, Postdoctoral Scholar
  566. Maya Epstein, Undergraduate Student, Film & TV Production, History, Chapman University
  567. Elisabeth Armstrong, Professor, Women and Gender Studies, Smith College
  568. Eva Pensis, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Research in Feminist, Queer, and Trans Studies, University of Pennsylvania
  569. Premilla Nadasen, Professor, History, Barnard College
  570. Barbara Applebaum, Professor, Cultural Foundations of Education, Syracuse University
  571. Amanda Swarr, Associate Professor, Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, University of Washington
  572. Zillah Eisenstein, Prof. Emerita, Political/Feminist Theory, Politics, Ithaca College 
  573. Lucila Vargas, Professor Emerita, School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill    
  574. Richard Jackson, Emeritus Professor, English, Vermont college
  575. Tithi Bhattacharya, Associate Professor, History, Purdue University
  576. Rachel Afi Quinn, Associate Professor, WGSS & Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Houston
  577. Tam Welch, Program Coordinator, Institute of the Arts and Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz
  578. Andrea Miller, Assistant Professor, Telecommunications and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Penn State University 
  579. Fernando Esquivel-Suarez, Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, English, Spelman College
  580. Marina Segatti, Graduate Student, Feminist Studies, University of California Santa Cruz
  581. Candice Lowe Swift, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Vassar College 
  582. Lizabeth Roemer, Professor, Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
  583. Jodi Melamed, Professor, English, Marquette University
  584. Roderick A. Ferguson, William Robertson Coe Professor of WGSS and American Studies, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Yale University
  585. Indulata Prasad, Assistant Professor, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University
  586. Elliott Powell, Associate Professor, American Studies, University of Minnesota
  587. Danielle Bobker, Professor, English, Concordia University 
  588. Meiver De la Cruz, Visiting Assistant Professor, Gender Studies and Anthropology, Whitman College 
  589. Lila Sharif, Assistant Professor, SST, ASU
  590. Stephen dillon, Director, the school of gender, culture, and social justice, University of Wyoming 
  591. Sheena Sood, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Liberal Arts, Delaware Valley University
  592. Jocelyn Olcott, Professor, History, Duke University
  593. Charles Shirō Inouye, Professor of Japanese, International Literary and Cultural Studies, Chair of ILCS
  594. Radhika Balakrishnan, Professor, Women’s’ Gender and Sexuality Studies, Rutgers University 
  595. Ines Arribas, Senior Lecturer, Spanish, Bryn Mawr College
  596. Michael Friedmann, Professor Emeritus, Yale University School of Music
  597. Zahi Khamis, Instructor, Modern Languages
  598. Theresa Ventura, Associate Professor, History, Concordia University
  599. Hester Eisenstein, Professor Emerita, Sociology, City University of New York
  600. Emer O'Toole, Associate Professor, Irish Studies, Concordia University
  601. Kathryn Babayan, Professor, History & Middle East Studies, University of Michigan
  602. Ronald W. Cox, Professor, Politics and International Relations, Florida International University
  603. Philip Metres, Professor, English, John Carroll University
  604. Rachele Lawton, Department Chair, ESOL & World Languages, Community College of Baltimore County
  605. Kara Herold, Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  606. Susan O'Malley, Professor Emerita, English, City University of New York
  607. Eileen Moran, Retired, Research  Associate, Michael Harrington Center, QC, CUNY, PSC-CUNY
  608. Cecelia McCall, Retired Prof, English, PSC-CUNY
  609. Madhuchhanda Mitra, Professor, English, College of Saint Benedict & St. John's University
  610. Abdulaziz B Shifa, Associate Professor, Economics, Syracuse University
  611. Sarah Suhail, Instructor, Justice and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University 
  612. Dorri Beam, Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University  
  613. Char Nim, Graduate Student, Anthropology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  614. Ruth E. Wangerin, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Lehman College, City University of NY
  615. Melissa Blanco Borelli, Associate Professor, Theatre and Performance Studies, Northwestern University 
  616. Niki Akhavan, Associate Professor, Media and Communication Studies, Catholic University of America
  617. Erik Love, Associate Professor, Sociology, Dickinson College
  618. Nouri Gana, Professor, Comparative Literature, UCLA
  619. Tim Cusack, Adjunct Lecturer, Theatre, Hunter College CUNY
  620. John L. Hammond, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, Hunter College and Graduate Center, CUNY
  621. Myrna García Calderón, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University
  622. Samer Shehata, Colin & Patricia Molina de Mackey Professor, Department of International Studies, University of Oklahoma 
  623. Renate Bridenthal, Professor (retired), History, Brooklyn College, CUNY
  624. Sandi E. Cooper, Professor emerita, History, CUNY at Staten Island and the Graduate School
  625. Joshua Gold, PhD Student, Steven J. Green, School of International and Public Affairs, Florida International University
  626. Bonnie Anderson, Professor Emerita, History, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
  627. John P Pittman, Associate Professor, Philosophy, John Jay College, CUNY
  628. Roman C Santos, Associate Professor, Humanities, Mohawk Valley Community College 
  629. H. L. T. Quan, Associate Professor, Justice & Social Inquiry, School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University
  630. Julie Lewis, Professor, Theatre Program Coordinator, Performing Arts and Humanities, Community College of Baltimore County 
  631. Constance Penley, Professor, Film and Media Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara 
  632. Claudio Fogu, Professor of Italian Studies, French and Italian, UCSB
  633. Dae-Yeon Suh, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Regina
  634. Remi Alapo, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Black Studies/Cultural Diversity, History Department, York College CUNY
  635. Eileen Boris, Hull Professor and Distinguished Professor, Feminist Studies, University of California Santa Barbara
  636. Fatemeh Keshavarz-Karamustafa, Professor of Persian, School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, University of Maryland, College Park
  637. Michael B. Marcus, Professor Emeritus, Mathematics, City College and the Graduate Center, CUNY
  638. George Gonos, Professor (retired), adjunct professor, Department of Sociology (Potsdam College, SUNY); Center for Labor Research and Studies, FIU, Potsdam College, SUNY; FIU 
  639. Ernesto Longa, Professor, School of Law, University of New Mexico
  640. Carlton Daniel Jr., Assistant Teaching Professor, Film & Media Arts, Syracuse University 
  641. David N. Gibbs, Professor of History, Department of History, University of Arizona
  642. Thomas A. Breslin, Professor, Politics and International Relations, Florida International University
  643. Erika Suderburg, Professor Emerita, Media and Cultural Studies, University of California, Riverside
  644. Therese Saliba, Professor, Feminist Studies, Evergreen State College
  645. Leila Mire, Doctoral Student, Theatre, Dance, Performance Studies, UC Berkeley 
  646. Srirupa Prasad, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia
  647. Michael Meeropol, Professor Emeritus, Economics, Western New England University
  648. Joan W. Scott, Emerita, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey
  649. Melissa Phruksachart, Assistant Professor, Department of Film, Television, and Media, University of Michigan
  650. Greer Hamilton, Transitional Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Social Work, University of Michigan
  651. Kim Jensen, PhD, Professor of English & Creative Writing, English, Community College of Baltimore County 
  652. James McKernan, Dr./Professor of Education, Special Education, Foundations & Research, College of Eduction, East Carolina University
  653. Therí Alyce Pickens, Professor of English & Chair of the Program in Africana English, Bates College
  654. Martha Matsuoka, Professor, Urban and Environmental Policy, Occidental College 
  655. Joanna Spitzner, Associate Professor, School of Art, College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse UniversityAss
  656. Christopher Stone, Associate Professor of Arabic Classics, Hunter College (CUNY)
  657. Bernardita M. Yunis Varas, PhD Candidate, Communication, CU Boulder
  658. Noureddine Jebnoun, Adjunct Associate Professor, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies (CCAS), Georgetown University
  659. Ailish Hopper, Associate Professor, Peace Studies, Goucher College
  660. Courtney R. Baker, Associate Professor, English, University of California, Riverside
  661. Mary Nolan, Professor emerita, History, NYU
  662. Cameron Awkward-Rich, Associate Professor, Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts Amherst 
  663. Anthony Gronowicz, Adjunct Full Professor, Social Sciences, Borough of Manhattan Community College and Brooklyn College Academy
  664. Carol Lang, Adjunct Asst. Professor, History Department, Bx. Community College, United Front Committee for a Labor Party
  665. A. Naomi Paik, Associate Professor, Criminology, Law, & Justice and Global Asian Studies, University of Illinois, Chicago
  666. Liat Ben-Moshe, Associate Professor, University of Illinois-Chicago 
  667. Richard Grusin, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, English, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  668. Bob Ross, Professor, Literature, Culture, and Society, Point Park University (Maxwell School alum, '07)
  669. Susanne Zwingel, Associate Professor, Department of Politics and International Relations, Florida International University
  670. Bianca Beauchemin, Assistant Professor, The School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies, York University
  671. Nadia Alahmed, Assistant Professor, Africana Studies, Dickinson College
  672. Laurie King, Teaching Professor, Anthropology, Georgetown University 
  673. Ivy Kleinbart, Writing Instructor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition, Syracuse University
  674. Blanca Vazquez, Adjunct Associate Professor, retired, Film and Media Studies, Hunter College, CUNY
  675. Sofya Aptekar, Associate Professor, Urban Studies, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies
  676. Augie Faller, Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Bryn Mawr College
  677. Christine Sahin, Acting Assistant Professor, Dance, University of Washington 
  678. Gopal Dayaneni, Lecture Faculty, Race and Resistance Studies and Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University 
  679. Dorit Naaman, Professor, Film and Media, Queen’s University 
  680. Tahir Yusufaly, Assistant Professor, Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 
  681. Bram Dijkstra, Professor Emeritus, American and Comparative Literature, University of California, San Diego
  682. Alyosha Goldstein, Professor, American Studies, University of New Mexico
  683. Muriel Leung, Faculty, School of Critical Studies, California Institute of the Arts
  684. Keith Woodward, Professor, Geography, University of Wisconsin–Madison
  685. Donna Maeda, Dean and Professor Emerita, American Studies,    Macalester College
  686. Sasha Sabherwal, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University
  687. Jonathan Graubart, Professor    Political Science, San Diego State University
  688. John Harfouch, Associate Professor, Philosophy 
  689. Mimi Kirk, Adjunct Faculty, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University
  690. Ariel Salzmann, Associate Professor of Islamic and World History, History, Queen’s University (Canada)
  691. Liyan Zhao, Master’s student, Cinematic Arts, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee
  692. Deb Cowen, Professor, Geography & Planning, University of Toronto 
  693. Eleanor Craig, Program Director and Lecturer, Ethnicity, Migration, Rights, Harvard University 
  694. Y Howard, Professor, English and Comparative Literature, San Diego State University
  695. Jennifer Tyburczy, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara 
  696. Deeadra Brown, Adjunct Lecturer, Arabic Studies, Hunter College, CUNY
  697. Adam Aron, Professor, Psychology, University of California, San Diego
  698. Rebecca Comay, Professor, Philosophy, University of Toronto
  699. Rico G. Monge, Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Diego
  700. Romita Ray, Associate professor art history, Art and Music Histories, Syracuse University
  701. Lynn Caldwell, Professor of Theological Ethics, St Andrew’s College, Saskatoon Theological Union
  702. Stuart Chen-Hayes, Professor, Counseling, Leadership, Literacy, and Special Education, CUNY Lehman College
  703. Courtney Sargent, Instructor, Sociology, The Community College of Baltimore County, Maryland (*SU alum)
  704. Tam Welch, Program Coordinator, Community Engagement, Institute of the Arts and Sciences, staff
  705. John Halaka, Professor of Visual Art, Art, Architecture and Art History, University of San Diego
  706. Kellee Matsushita-Tseng, Educator and seed sovereignty specialist, Community food sovereignty, University of Southern California 
  707. Nivedita Majumdar, Professor, English, John Jay College - CUNY
  708. Thomas Ehrlich Reifer, Professor, Sociology, University of San Diego; Associate, Transnational Institute 
  709. Anneka Herre, Adjunct Instructor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  710. Karen Skinner, Academic Coordinator, American Culture Studies, Washington University in St. Louis
  711. Dana Sajdi, Associate Professor, History, Boston College
  712. Atreyee Phukan, Professor, English, U of San Diego
  713. Ana Vinea, Assistant Professor, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, UNC-Chapel Hill
  714. Joy C. Schaefer, Junior Faculty Fellow, General Education, Ferris State University 
  715. Bahar Davary, Professor, Theology & Religious Studies, University of San Diego
  716. Geeta Patel, Professor, Middle Eastern and South Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Virginia 
  717. Jesse Mills, Associate Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of San Diego
  718. Norma Möllers, Associate Professor, Sociology, Queen’s University 
  719. Harold Marcuse, Professor, History, University of California, Santa Barbara
  720. Alia Al-Saji, Associate Professor, Philosophy, McGill University
  721. Beverley Best, Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology, Concordia University
  722. Gail Perez, Professor Emerita, Ethnic Studies, The University of San Diego
  723. Stephen Dillon, Professor, Gender Studies, University of Wyoming 
  724. Sara Roy, Dr., Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University
  725. Judith Butler, Distinguished Professor in the Graduate School, Comparative Literature, UC Berkeley
  726. Adam Shatz, Visiting Professor, Human Rights, Bard College
  727. Dan Hirschman, Associate Professor, Sociology, Cornell University
  728. Lama Khouri, Dr., Private Practice, Palestine-Global Mental Health Network
  729. Sara Pursley, Associate Professor, Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, New York University 
  730. Samantha King, Professor and Director, School of Kinesiology & Health Studies, Queen’s University 
  731. Tanya Marquette, Community supporter, New Paltz, NY
  732. Elizabeth Berger, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, School of Medicine, George Washington University
  733. Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro, Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies, SUNY New Paltz
  734. Assaf Kfoury, Professor, Computer Science Department, Boston University
  735. Jennifer Glancy, Professor, Religious Studies, Le Moyne College
  736. May Chew, Assistant Professor, Film Studies & Art History, Concordia University
  737. Brooke Maddux, MD, MPhil, PhD candidate, Philosophy, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
  738. Tiffany Florvil, Associate Professor, History, University of New Mexico
  739. Satya P. Mohanty, Professor, Literatures in English, Cornell University
  740. Barbara Winslow, Professor Emerita, Brooklyn College/CUNY, Founder and Director Emerita The Shirley Chisholm Project of Brooklyn Women's Activism
  741. Fred Nagel, Associate Director, Career Development, Vassar College
  742. Irene Gendzier, Professor Emerita, Political Science, Boston University
  743. Helaine Meisler, Owner, The Meisler Learning Center, Education, Jews Say No
  744. Jim Savio, Retired Professor, School of Design History and Theory and the Writing Program, Parsons School of Design and NYU, Abu Dhabi
  745. Kevin Adonis Browne, Associate Professor of Rhetoric, Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition, Syracuse University
  746. Donna Goodman, Delegate, Retired, United University Professions, SUNY New Paltz
  747. Jesook Song, Professor, Anthropology, University of Toronto
  748. Elaine Hagopian, Professor Emerita, Sociology, Simmons University 
  749. Adeem Suhail, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, Franklin and Marshall College 
  750. Garrett Graddy-Lovelace, Provost Associate Professor, School of International Service, American University
  751. Sean Lovitt, Lecturer, English, Rutgers University
  752. Abha Sur, Lecturer, Women’s & Gender Studies, MIT
  753. Ivar Ekeland, Professor Em, Mathematics, University of British Columbia
  754. Valerie Forman, Associate Professor,    Gallatin, New York University 
  755. George Fourlas, Senior Researcher, Alter-Securities, Security in Context
  756. Anat Biletzki, Professor, Philosophy, Quinnipiac University
  757. David K. Seitz, Associate Professor of Cultural Geography, Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and the Arts, Harvey Mudd College
  758. Van Gosse, Professor, Department of History, Franklin & Marshall College
  759. Ghislaine Boulanger, Associate Professor, NYU, Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, NYU
  760. Alda Blanco, Emerita, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, San Diego State University
  761. Zein El- Amine, Adjunct, Arab World Studies, American University 
  762. Mona Atia, Associate Professor, Geography and International Affairs, George Washington University 
  763. Nadim Rouhana, Professor, The Fletcher School, Tufts University
  764. Sabeen Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Swarthmore College
  765. Carla Willard, Associate Professor, American Studies, Franklin and Marshall College
  766. Dr. Hatem Bazian, Lecturer, Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures and Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies, UC Berkeley
  767. Bronwyn Bjorkman, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Queen's University at Kingston
  768. Susan Lord, Professor, Film and Media, Queen’s University
  769. Asli Peker, Clinical Professor, International Relations, New York University 
  770. Meira Gold, Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow, Gallatin School of Individualized Study, New York University 
  771. Maya Mikdashi, Associate Professor, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies    Rutgers University 
  772. Nina  Shoman-Dajani, Assistant Dean, Learning Enrichment, Moraine Valley Community College 
  773. Michael Harris, Professor, Mathematics, Columbia University
  774. Atiya Aftab, Adjunct Professor, Middle Eastern Studies/Political Science, Rutgers University 
  775. Steve McFarland, Professor, Labor Studies, CSU Dominguez Hills
  776. Carrie Mott, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Louisville
  777. Samia Saliba, PhD Student, American Studies & Ethnicity    , University of Southern California
  778. Amanda Batarseh, Assistant Professor, Literature, University of California, San Diego
  779. Kate Boersma, Associate Professor, Biology, University of San Diego
  780. Emrah Altindis, Assistant Professor, Biology, Boston College
  781. T. J. Demos, Professor, Art History and Visual Culture, UC Santa Cruz
  782. HONEY CRAWFORD, Assistant Professor, English, NYU
  783. Ted Swedenburg, Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of Arkansas 
  784. Sina Kramer, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, Loyola Marymount University
  785. Joseph Levine, Professor, Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  786. Cheryl Higashida, Associate Professor, English, University of Colorado-Boulder
  787. john womack jr, Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics, emeritus, History, Harvard University
  788. Eric Sheppard, Distinguished Research Professor, Geography, UCLA
  789. Marcia Villiers, Adjunct Faculty, Educational Studies, SUNY New Paltz
  790. Liz Montegary, Associate Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Stony Brook University
  791. Brian Meeks, Professor, Africana Studies, Brown University
  792. Barbara Laurence, Cofounder Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Sociology, University of California
  793. Sadu Nanjundiah, Professor, Physics & Engineering Physics, Central Connecticut State University
  794. Nancy Murray, Director of Education (retired), ACLU of MA
  795. James Sirigotis, PhD candidate, Sociology, UC, Santa Cruz 
  796. Keli Gabinelli, PhD Student, Communication, University of California, San Diego
  797. Alia ElKattan, PhD student, Politics, NYU
  798. Sarah Lawrence Faculty for Justice in Palestine, Sarah Lawrence College
  799. Cecilia Green, Associate Professor Emerita, Sociology, Syracuse University
  800. Irene Calis, Director of Arab World Studies, Dept. of Critical Race, Gender & Culture Studies, American University, DC Traditional and occupied Piscataway and Nacotchtank territory
  801. Emily Billo, Associate Professor, Geography, Florida State University
  802. Elizabeth Ammons, Harriet H. Fay Professor of Literature, Emerita, Department of English, Tufts University
  803. Verena Erlenbusch-Anderson, Associate Professor, Philosophy, Syracuse University 
  804. Juliane Hammer, Professor of Religious Studies, UNC Chapel Hill
  805. Karen Buenavista Hanna, Assistant Professor, Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectionality Studies, Connecticut College 
  806. Rusty Bartels, Associate Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, & Composition, Syracuse University
  807. Hisham Foad, Associate Professor, Economics, San Diego State University
  808. Richard Reitan, Professor, Department of History, Franklin & Marshall College
  809. Margaret Innes, Assistant Professor, Department of Art and Music Histories, Syracuse University
  810. Ellen Moodie, Associate Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  811. LaVerne Gray, Assistant Professor, iSchool, Syracuse University
  812. Emily Thuma, Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, University of Washington Tacoma
  813. Matthew Abraham, Professor of English, English, University of Arizona 
  814. Evelyn Diaz Cruz, Professor, Theatre, University of San Diego
  815. Aneil Rallin, Unaffiliated Scholar/Writer
  816. joanne savio, Retired Arts Professor, NYU, Film
  817. Júlia, PhD Candidate and Research Assistant, Universitat de Barcelona Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  818. Joyce Lu, Associate Professor, Department of Theatre, Department of Asian American Studies, Pomona College
  819. Fahad Bishara, Associate Professor, History, University of Virginia 
  820. Bianca Waked, Graduate Candidate, Philosophy, Cornell University
  821. M. Brinton Lykes, Professor, Community-Cultural Psychology, Center for Human Rights & International Justice, Boston College
  822. Martabel Wasserman, PhD Candidate, Art and Art History, Stanford University 
  823. Katie Walkiewicz, Associate Professor, Literature, UC San Diego
  824. Lou Cornum, Assistant Professor, Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU
  825. Farhang Rouhani, Professor, Geography, University of Mary Washington
  826. Ron Silliman, Lecturer, Creative Writing, University of Pennsylvania
  827. Sean A. Gordon, Assistant Professor, English Department, California State University, Fresno
  828. Ian Barnard, Professor of Rhetoric and Composition, English, Chapman University 
  829. Meiyang Kadaba, Adjunct Faculty, Clinical Psychology PsyD Program, The Wright Institute, Berkeley, CA
  830. Margaret McLaren, Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy, Rollins College
  831. Stéphanie Wahab, Professor, School of Social Work, Portland State University
  832. Yasmeen Hanoosh, Professor, World Languages and Literatures, Portland State University 
  833. Sid Jordan, Assistant Professor, Social Work, Portland State University
  834. Ericka Kimball, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Portland State University
  835. José Juan Gómez-Becerra, Associate Professor, Language and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology, Eastern Kentucky University
  836. Hager El Hadidi, Associate Professor, Anthropology, California State University Bakersfield 
  837. Laurence Salomon, former Associate Professor of African History, African Studies, SUNY New Paltz
  838. Brian J Evans, Assistant Professor of Dance (Mellon Diversity and Faculty Renewal Postdoctoral Fellow), Theater and Dance, Bates College
  839. Ateka Gunja, MD, Medicine, Rutgers 
  840. Alan Dettlaff, Professor, Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston
  841. Elizabeth Schmidt, Professor Emeritus, History, Loyola University Maryland
  842. Norbert Ross, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Vanderbilt University
  843. Sana Saboowala, Graduate Instructor, Anthropology/Integrative Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 
  844. Andrés Fabián Henao Castro, Associate Professor, Political Science, University of Massachusetts Boston
  845. Alexandra Chapman, Undergraduate Sophomore, Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
  846. Mrigender Singh Virk, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pathology, Stanford University School of Medicine
  847. Helga Tawil-Souri, Associate Professor, MCC, NYU
  848. Amie Thurber, Assistant Professor, Social Work, Portland State University 
  849. Yumi Pak, Associate Professor, Black Studies, Occidental College
  850. caroline belle stewart, Adjunct Faculty, English, bard microcollege holyoke, clark university 
  851. Noman Baig, Associate Professor, Comparative Humanities, Habib University, Karachi
  852. Michael Shires, Librarian, Dr. John Archer Library & Archives, University of Regina
  853. Olive yu, STUDENT, ITP, NYU
  854. Miguel Gutierrez, Associate Professor, World Arts and Cultures/Dance, UCLA
  855. Stephen Cooper, Professor, Religious Studies, Franklin & Marshall College
  856. Omar Jabary Salamanca, Research Fellow, Research and Studies in International Politics, Université libre de Bruxelles
  857. Dennis Grammenos, Associate Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Studies, Northeastern Illinois University
  858. Mark Lance, Professor, Philosophy, Georgetown University
  859. Simeon Man, Associate Professor, History, University of California, San Diego
  860. Rick Welsh, Professor of Food Studies, Nutrition and Food Studies, Syracuse University
  861. Kendra Calhoun, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
  862. Kathryn Clancy, Professor, Anthropology, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
  863. Mark Villegas, Associate Professor, American Studies, Franklin & Marshall College
  864. Lana Al-Khatib, Alumni, Economics, Syracuse University & American University
  865. Janet Dood, Assistant Professor, Sociology, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Northwest Arkansas Community College
  866. Lisa Mullenneaux, Adjunct Professor, Writing, University of Maryland GC
  867. Audrey D. Thompson, Assistant Teaching Professor, Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition, Syracuse University
  868. Lawrence Davidson, Professor Emeritus, History, West Chester University
  869. Caitlin Nye, PhD candidate, School of Nursing, SUNY University at Buffalo
  870. Viridian Sylvae, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, School of Media Studies, The New School, New York City
  871. Jane Lewis, Training and Supervising, American Institute for Psychoanalysis, Senior Faculty Member; Trauma Specialist, Psychoanalysis, The American Institute for Psychoanalysis 
  872. Christopher Harris, F., Wendell Miller Associate Professor, Cinemtic Arts, University of Iowa
  873. Siddhant Issar, Assistant Professor, Political Science, University of Louisville
  874. Máire Noonan, Course Lecturer, Départemen de linguistique et de traduction, Université de Montréal
  875. Jesse Proudfoot, Assistant Professor Sociology, Durham University
  876. Oscar Gutierrez, Assistant Professor, Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies, Loyola Marymount University
  877. Mimi E. Kim, Associate Professor, Social Work, California State University, Long Beach
  878. Chad Shomura, Assistant Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado Denver
  879. Nathalie Martinez, PhD Student, Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  880. Morgan Gianola, Postdoctoral Scholar and Faculty Adjunct, Psychology, University of Miami 
  881. Dawn Weleski, Adjunct Professor; Artist in Residence, Art; Student Life Sustainability, SUNY Morrisville; University of Michigan
  882. Megan Unden, PhD candidate, Political science, Rutgers
  883. Marianne Janack, Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY USA
  884. Doug DuBois, Associate Professor, Art Photography, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  885. Justine Dymond, Professor of English, Literature, Writing, & Journalism, Springfield College
  886. Neferti Tadiar, Professor, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University
  887. Rashna Batliwala Singh, (Formerly) Visiting Professor, Department of English and Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies Program, Colorado College
  888. Alexa Valentine Takahara-Urquhart, Graduate Student, MSLIS, Academic Support Coordinator, Library and Information Sciences 
  889. Tooma H. Zaghloul, PhD Student/Instructor, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
  890. Noah Aydin, Professor, Mathematics, Kenyon College
  891. Sonali Thakkar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, NYU
  892. Kris F. Sealey, Professor, Philosophy, Penn State University
  893. Gordon Witty, Associate Professor of Arabic    Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Studies, Temple University
  894. Sanjukta Mukherjee, Associate Professor, Women’s and Gender Studies, DePaul University 
  895. Vidura Jang Bahadur, PhD Candidate, Rhetoric and Public Culture, Northwestern University
  896. Neetu Khanna, Associate Professor, Comparative Literature, USC
  897. Dale Hudson, Associate Professor, Film and New Media, NYU Abu Dhabi
  898. Eyvind Kang, Faculty Member, Music, California Institute of the Arts 
  899. Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Connecticut 
  900. Sara Clarke Kaplan, Associate Professor, Literature & Critical Race, Gender and Culture Studies, American University
  901. Michael L. J. Greer, Ph.D. Candidate, Philosophy, CUNY Graduate Center
  902. Mariam Matar, PhD candidate, philosophy, New School for Social Research
  903. Elizabeth Kolsky, Associate Professor, History, Villanova University 
  904. T.J. Anderson III, Professor, English Dept., Hollins University 
  905. WL Chapkis, Professor, Sociology and Women & Gender Studies, University of Southern Maine
  906. Kevin Guerrieri, Professor of Spanish, Languages, Cultures, and Literatures, University of San Diego
  907. Lori Barker, Professor, Psychology, Cal Poly Pomona
  908. Hamid Dabashi, Professor, Comparative Literature, Columbia University 
  909. Stephanie Z. Chen, Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology (PsyD), CIIS
  910. Linda Hess, Senior Lecturer Emerita, Religious Studies, Stanford University
  911. Harvey Stark, Associate Professor and Chair, Humanities and Religious Studies, California State University, Sacramento
  912. Steven Sherman, Adjunct, Sociology, University of Connecticut Stamford 
  913. Irene Siegel, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Arabic Program, Hunter College
  914. Dr. Aashna Aggarwal, Assistant Professor, Psychology, Kenyon College
  915. Brandy J. Lewis, Ph.D. candidate and instructor, English, University of California, Riverside
  916. Sylvia Akoth, Student, Alumni, Maxwell school of Policy
  917. Tomas Madrigal, Ph.D., Food Systems Researcher, RGSRI, Community to Community Development
  918. Ana Djordjevic, Adjunct Lecturer, Health and Nutrition (Public Health), CUNY, Brooklyn College
  919. Elaine Miller, Professor, Philosophy, Miami University
  920. Sarah Wolf, Lecturer, Health and Nutrition Sciences Department, Brooklyn College
  921. Vernon Schubel, Professor, Religious Studies, Kenyon College
  922. Ricardo Pérez González, Visiting Lecturer, Dramatic Writing, New York University Tisch and Harvard Medical School
  923. Christopher Hanson, Associate Professor, English, Syracuse University
  924. Sarah Shields, Professor, History, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 
  925. SherAli Tareen, Associate Professor, Religious Studies, Franklin and Marshall College 
  926. Claudia Koonz, Peabody Family Professor Emeritus, History, Duke University
  927. Caitlin Smith, Doctoral Candidate, Human Development, Syracuse University
  928. Karla Sanabria, Graduate Student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign UIUC
  929. Ingrid Sabio-McLaughlin, Program Coordinator, Women and Gender Studies    Community College of Baltimore County 
  930. Victoria Arias, Graduate Student, Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  931. Pablo Idahosa, Professor Emeritus, African Studies & International Development Studies, York University
  932. Dr.Fatma Salman, Professor, Engineering and Physics, CCSU
  933. Christina Villarreal, Lecturer, Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education 
  934. Derek Ludovici, Adjunct Lecturer, Anthropology, Brooklyn College 
  935. Daisy Wiley, Art Studio Manager, College of Architecture Art and Planning, Cornell University
  936. Nevine El Nossery, Professor, French and Italian, University of Wisconsin, Madison 
  937. Katrina Daly Thompson, Evjue Bascom Professor of Humanities, Religious Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  938. Samer Alatout, Butter-Sewell Professor, Associate Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology, University of Wisconsin, Madison
  939. Darwin Tsen, Assistant Teaching Professor of Chinese, Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Syracuse University
  940. Mireille Rebeiz, Associate Professor and Chair of Middle East Studies, Middle East & Francophone Studies, Women's Gender & Sexuality Studies, Dickinson College 
  941. Meg Healy, PhD Student, English, Syracuse University 
  942. Linda Gordon, University Professor of History, History, NYU
  943. Brianna Suslovic, PhD student, Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice, University of Chicago
  944. Sara Jo Soldovieri, PhD Candidate, Special Education, Syracuse University 
  945. Susan S.Wadley, Professor Emerita, Anthropology, Syracuse University
  946. Rania Habib, Professor, Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University
  947. Debra Kue, PhD Student, English Department, Syracuse University
  948. Asma Kazmi, Associate Professor, Art Practice and the Berkeley Center for New Media, University of California Berkeley
  949. Henry A. Giroux, Chaired Professor for Scholarship in the Public Interest, English and Cultural Studies, McMaster University
  950. Hamidreza Nassiri, Full-Time Lecturer, Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University
  951. Iokepa Casumbal-Salazar, Assistant Professor, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, UC Santa Cruz 
  952. Thomas Brami, PHD Candidate, Film, UW Madison 
  953. Diane Keeling, Associate Professor, Communication, University of San Diego
  954. Pate Duncan, Graduate Student, Film Studies, University of Wisconsin Madison
  955. Amy Krauss. Visiting Assistant Professor, Feminist Studies, UC, Santa Cruz
  956. Regina Day Langhout, Professor, Psychology Department, UC Santa Cruz
  957. Lance St. Laurent, PhD Candidate, Film, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  958. Haynes Miller, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  959. Anna Friz, Associate Professor, Film and Digital Media, University of California Santa Cruz
  960. James D Findlay, Lecturer, Religious Studies, California State University Northridge
  961. Elise Kerns, PhD Candidate, Literary Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  962. maura velazquez castillo, Professor of Linguistics, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Colorado State University
  963. Eileen J. Findlay, Professor of Latin American and Caribbean History, History and Chair of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies, American University 
  964. Taylor Carman, Professor, Philosophy, Barnard College, Columbia University 
  965. Judith L Poxon, Emerita adjunct instructor, Humanities and Religious Studies, California State University, Sacramento
  966. Fawzia Afzal-Khan, Professor, English, Montclair State University
  967. BT Werner, Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California - San Diego
  968. Noor-Aiman Khan, Assoc Prof/Director, Middle East and Islamic Studies, Colgate University
  969. Sidney Corbett, prof. dr., alumnus, yale university
  970. Grover C. Furr, Professor, English, Montclair State University
  971. Nicole Pacelli, Graduate Student, Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  972. Weronika Cwir, Adjunct Professor, Computer Science, California State University Los Angeles 
  973. Nancy Caro Hollander, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Latin American History and Women’s Studies, History, California State University, Dominguez Hills
  974. Arcadio Díaz-Quiñones, Professor Emeritus, Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University
  975. Mark Wood, Associate Professor, School of World Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University
  976. Nimanthi Rajasingham, Associate Professor,English, and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Colgate University
  977. Adam Henne, Director, Nature Center, Genesee Country Village & Museum
  978. Charles E. Button, Professor, Geography, Central Connecticut State University
  979. Santiago Molina, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University
  980. Adam Rzepka, Associate Professor, English, Montclair State University 
  981. Sima Shakhsari, Associate Professor, GWSS, UMN
  982. Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, Associate Professor, Museum Studies, University of Florida 
  983. Rebecca Jordan-Young, Professor, Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Barnard College
  984. Gabriel Rockhill, Professor, Philosophy, Villanova University
  985. Danielle Kutner, PhD Student, Philosophy, Villanova University
  986. William G. Scott, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California at Santa Cruz
  987. Iveta Jusova, Professor, GWSS, Carleton College
  988. Wen-Yih Sun, Professor Emeritus, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University
  989. Colin Bodayle, Graduate Student, Philosophy, Villanova 
  990. Linda Zerilli, Charles E. Merriam Distinguished Service Professor, Political Science/Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, University of Chicago
  991. Monika Mehta, Associate Professor, English, Binghamton University 
  992. George Theoharis, Professor, School of Education, Syracuse University 
  993. Immanuel Ness, Professor, Political Science, Brooklyn College, City University of New York 
  994. Michael Frishkopf, Professor, Music, University of Alberta
  995. Charles Cabell, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Global Innovation Studies, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan
  996. Euphoria J Dobbs, Masters Student, Counseling and Human Services, School of Education, Syracuse University 
  997. Mohammed Abed, Professor , Philosophy, California State University, Los Angeles 
  998. Mahder Serekberhan, PhD Student, Political Science, Syracuse University 
  999. Roger A. Sneed, Professor, Religion, Furman University
  1000. Linda Herrera, Professor, College of Education, University of Illinois
  1001. Jason Gottlieb, Professor, Graphic Design, Maryland Institute College of Art
  1002. Donald Sackey, Adjunct Assistant Professor, French Studies, Queen's University, Ontario, Canada
  1003. Danny Sleator, Professor, Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
  1004. Tracye A. Matthews, Executive Director, Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture, University of Chicago 
  1005. Margaret Himley, Professor emerita, Writing and LGBTQ Studies, Syracuse University
  1006. Susan Stryker, Professor Emerita, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona
  1007. Meghan Kelly, Assistant Professor, Geography and the Environment, Syracuse University
  1008. Ather Zia, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Gender studies, University of Northern Colorado
  1009. Victor Manfredi, Research Affiliate, African Studies Center, Boston University
  1010. Sine Hwang Jensen, Asian American and Comparative Ethnic Studies Librarian, Ethnic Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley 
  1011. Daniel Allen, PhD Candidate, Philosophy, Villanova University
  1012. Tyler Smart, Doctoral Candidate, English, UMass Amherst; Syracuse University Alum
  1013. Lasana D. Kazembe, Associate Professor, Education, Indiana University Indianapolis
  1014. Bernadette White, Adjunct Professor, Global Studies, San Jose State University
  1015. Yasmine Benabdallah, PhD student, Film and Digital Media, University of California Santa Cruz
  1016. Elora Shehabuddin, Professor, Gender & Women's Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  1017. Ben Barson, Postdoctoral Scholar, Africana Studies, Cornell University 
  1018. Hasmik Djoulakian, Graduate Student and Instructor, Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley
  1019. Waquar Ahmed, Associate Professor, Geography and the Environment, University of North Texas
  1020. Leila Mire, PhD Student, Theatre, Dance, Performance Studies, UC Berkeley
  1021. Isaiah Paik, Law Student, Berkeley Law, Grad student and academic worker
  1022. Jazzie Terrell, PhD student, English, University of Arizona
  1023. John Hunt, Associate Professor, History, Utah Valley University 
  1024. Jessica Jiang, Graduate Student, Ethnic Studies, UC Berkeley
  1025. Nejwa Ali, Syracuse student / Alum, Maxwell, Syracuse University
  1026. Mariam Y. Mehter, Alumnus, Arts and Sciences, Syracuse University Alumni
  1027. Rev. Dr. Fahed Abuakel, Past adjunct prof, Religion, ITC- Atlanta GA 
  1028. Zeina Zaatari, Adjunct Faculty, Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago
  1029. Alex Moulton, Assistant Professor, Geography and Environmental Science, at The Graduate Center, Hunter College, City University of New York 
  1030. Shari Huhndorf, Professor of Native American Studies, Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley
  1031. Meera Sehgal, Associate Professor, GWSS & Sociology/Anthropology, Carleton College
  1032. Soham Sinha, Graduate Student, English, Syracuse University
  1033. Jean Gregorek, Associate Professor, English, Canisius University 
  1034. Jack R Leff, PhD Candidate, STS, Virginia Tech
  1035. Mark Murdy, PhD Student, Physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  1036. Jennifer Hitchcock, Associate Professor of English, English, Reynolds Community College
  1037. Emily Mitchell-Eaton, Assistant Professor, Geography, Colgate University
  1038. Mark Lewis Taylor, Professor, Theology, Religion & Society, Princeton Theological Seminary
  1039. Idrissou Mora-Kpai, Assistant Professor, Media Arts, Sciences, & Studies, Ithaca College 
  1040. Kelvin Santiago-Valles, Professor, Sociology, Binghamton University-SUNY
  1041. David Spataro, Senior Associate Professor, Political Science and International Studies, Bellevue College
  1042. Gladys M Jiménez-Muñoz, Associate Professor, Sociology, Binghamton University-SUNY
  1043. Kristin Reed, Associate Professor, Dept. of Focused Inquiry, Virginia Commonwealth University
  1044. Janell Tryon, Doctoral Candidate and Instructor, English Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  1045. William Martin, Professor Emeritus, Sociology, State University of New York at Binghamton
  1046. Anna S. Habib, Term Professor, English, George Mason University 
  1047. Matthew Tuten, PhD Student and GE, Philosophy, University of Oregon
  1048. Adnan Husain, Associate Professor, History, Queen's University (Kingston, ON)
  1049. Claire Castro, Professor Emerita, Chemistry, University of San Francisco
  1050. Devyn White, Student, Fine Arts graphic design Ao., University of South Carolina
  1051. Zainab, Adjunct Professor, Physics, UCC 
  1052. Nijmah Ayesh, Ms., Education
  1053. Shannon Conrey, Instructor/post doctoral fellow, Environmental and Public Health Sciences, University of Cincinnati
  1054. Jasbir Puar, Professor and Director, Women’s and Gender Studies, Rutgers
  1055. Lila Abu-Lughod, Professor, Anthropology, Columbia University
  1056. Mario Sáenz Rovner, Professor, Philosophy, Le Moyne College
  1057. Robert Stein, Professor Emeritus, Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University
  1058. Carlos Rufin, Professor of International Business and Public Service, Department of Public Service and Healthcare Administration, Suffolk University
  1059. Shannon Novak, Professor, Anthropology, Syracuse University
  1060. Devin Atallah, Assistant Professor, Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston 
  1061. Nancy MacLean, William H. Chafe Professor of History and Public Policy, History, Duke University
  1062. Calvin Cheung-Miaw, Assistant Professor, History, Duke University 
  1063. Abbey Eisenhower, Professor, Psychology, University of Massachusetts Boston
  1064. Linda Kim, Associate Professor, Art & Art History, Drexel University
  1065. Zeshan Ismat, Professor, Earth & Environment, Franklin & Marshall College
  1066. Tracey Rogers, Senior Lecturer, Psychology, University of Massachusetts 
  1067. Bianca Dang, Assistant Professor, History Department, University of Washington-Seattle
  1068. Shakti Jaising, Associate Professor, English, Drew University 
  1069. Dominique G. Homberger, Professor, Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge
  1070. Minoo Moallem, Professor, Gender and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley
  1071. Faisal Chaudhry, Assistant Professor    Law, University of Massachusetts
  1072. Hibah Osman, Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, Harvard Medical School 
  1073. Sophia Terazawa, Visiting Assistant Professor, English, Virginia Tech
  1074. Michael Baylor, Professor of History, Emeritus, History, Lehigh University
  1075. Hoang Phan, Associate Professor, English Department, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  1076. Savvina Chowdhury, Member of the Faculty, Political Economy, The Evergreen State College
  1077. Rodney Morales, Professor Emeritus, English, University of Hawaii
  1078. Milo Obourn, Chair and Professor, Women & Gender Studies/English, SUNY Brockport 
  1079. Sailaja Krishnamurti, Associate Professor, Gender Studies, Queen's University
  1080. Juliana Hu Pegues, Associate Professor, Literatures in English, Cornell University
  1081. Hilary Rantisi, Instructor, Religion, Conflict and Peace Initiative, Harvard Divinity School
  1082. Sara Schroeter, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Regina
  1083. Debbie Becher, Associate Professor, Sociology, Barnard College, Columbia University 
  1084. Maryam Kashani, Associate Professor, Gender & Women's Studies & Asian American Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  1085. Ian Gallagher, Teacher, English Language Arts, Roberto Clemente Charter School
  1086. Dorrie Mazzone, Professor, Retired, Political Science, Diablo Valley College
  1087. Jordan Whelchel, PhD candidate and adjunct professor, Philosophy, Villanova University
  1088. Shane Henckel, PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  1089. Amy Schrager Lang, Professor Emerita, English, Syracuse University
  1090. Carol Strauss Sotiropoulos, Professor emerita, Languages, Literatures, and International Studies, Northern Michigan University
  1091. Jenny Marie Forsythe, Assistant Professor, English, Western Washington University
  1092. Shahin Vohara, Dentist, Independent dentist    
  1093. Takashi Nakamura, Instructor, Mathematics, British Columbia Institute of Technology
  1094. Lori A. Brown, Distinguished Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
  1095. Yutaka Sho, Associate Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University 
  1096. Laura Salazar, Part-Time Instructor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
  1097. Laurie Nsiah-Jefferson, Director, Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy and Graduate Program; Director, Gender Leadership and Public Policy Program. Dept of Public Policy and Public Affairs, University of Massachusetts Boston
  1098. Laura Heyman, Associate Professor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  1099. Jess Brown, Associate Professor, Industrial Design, Rhode Island School of Design
  1100. Magdalena Valdevenito, Instructor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
  1101. Iman Fayyad. Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, Syracuse University
  1102. Junaid Rana, Associate Professor, Asian American Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  1103. Sandra Rousseau, Associate Professor, French and Francophone Studies, Carleton College
  1104. Inaam Charaf, Ph.D, Public Services, Library & Information 
  1105. Karen M. Booth, Associate Professor, Women's and Gender Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  1106. John Modern, Professor of Religion, Religious studies, Franklin & Marshall College
  1107. Faedah Totah, Associate Professor, School of World Studies, Virginia Commonwealth University
  1108. Maura Finkelstein, Associate Professor, Anthropology, Muhlenberg College
  1109. Rebecca Hoffman, LCSW, Assistant Professor/Counselor, Counseling Center, Fashion Institute of Technology
  1110. Chi-ming Yang, Professor, English, University of Pennsylvania
  1111. Juliana Inez Luiz de Souza, Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  1112. Cristina, Research Assistant, Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  1113. Teukie Martin, PhD student, School of Education, Syracuse University
  1114. Radwa El Barouni, Lecturer in Foreign Languages and Cultures, Coordinator of the Arabic Language & Culture program, NELC, University of Pennsylvania 
  1115. Danielle Haque, Professor, English, Minnesota State University
  1116. Benjamin Robinson, Associate Professor, Germanic Studies, Indiana University Bloomington
  1117. Matthew Spitzmueller, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Syracuse University
  1118. Brice Nordquist, Associate Professor, Writing & Rhetoric, Syracuse University 
  1119. Dana Collins, Professor, Sociology, California State University, Fullerton
  1120. Abha Sur,    Dr., Women’s & Gender Studies, MIT
  1121. Elizabeth Hanson, Professor, English, Queen's University, Canada
  1122. Basem Ashkar, Medical Student, College of Medicine, SUNY Upstate Medical University
  1123. Ibrahim Maalim, School Counseling Graduate Student, School Counseling Student
  1124. Basel Abuzuaiter, Physician, Department of Hospital Medicine, SUNY-Upstate Medical University
  1125. Tahsin Tahmid, Graduate Student, Engineering, Syracuse University 
  1126. Yasmin Hussain, Registered Nurse, Neurology, University at Buffalo
  1127. Amy Caruso Brown, Associate Professor, Bioethics and Humanities, SUNY Upstate Medical University
  1128. Peter Couvares, Senior Scientist, Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy, California Institute of Technology
  1129. Yuichi Moroi, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology and Peace Studies, School of Global Japanese Studies, Meiji University/(former) Temple University
  1130. Sharif M. Ewais-Orozco, Undergraduate Coordinator, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University 
  1131. Jackie Cuevas, Interim Director, CWGS, University of Texas
  1132. Sapana Doshi, Associate Professor, History and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, University of California, Merced
  1133. Natalie McLaughlin, TA, MA student, Department of Geography and the Environment
  1134. Nejwa Ali, Private citizen, Maxwell, Alumnae 
  1135. América Martínez, Assistant Professor, Chicana/o/x Studies, San Diego City College 
  1136. Ryan Somelofske, Adjunct Instructor, Film and Media Arts, Syracuse University
  1137. Roxanne Boychuk, Student, Journalism, Syracuse University 
  1138. Richard Mora, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Occidental College
  1139. Michael Giesbrecht, PhD Candidate, Philosophy, Duquesne University
  1140. Samuel Weiner, MAT Social Studies Education, TLL, University of Pittsburgh School of Education 
  1141. Mia Perez, Student, Nursing, Chatham University 
  1142. Alyssa Brown, Undergraduate student, Syracuse resident, Health Sciences, University of Delaware
  1143. Marion Werner, Professor, Department of Geography, University at Buffalo, SUNY
  1144. Keairah Parker, Program Manager, IVMF, Syracuse University Employee
  1145. Saher Khan, LGBTQ Coordinator, Institute for Inclusion and Equity, Ursinus College
  1146. Aziz Nathoo, Chaplain, DEI, Multiple colleges
  1147. Steve Tamari, Professor, History, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville
  1148. Rico G. Monge, Associate Professor, Theology and Religious Studies, University of San Diego
  1149. Ryan Emerson Johnson, Assistant Professor, iSchool, Syracuse University
  1150. Kelly Delevan, Librarian, SU Libraries, Syracuse University
  1151. Azaria Hampton, Student, Colorado College
  1152. Jenn M Jackson, Assistant Professor, Political Science, Syracuse University
  1153. Will Quade, PhD Candidate, Communication Arts, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  1154. Phil McAndrew, Adjunct instructor, Illustration, Syracuse University
  1155. Izmir Ickbal, Assistant Professor, Theater Design & Technology, Drama, Syracuse University
  1156. Simon Ridley, Doctor, Sociology, University Paris, Nanterre
  1157. Katherine Topper, Faculty, Design Technology, Academia Cotopaxi, Quito Ecuador

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