Health Insurance Coverage Questionnaire
This survey will help us understand health insurance needs and concerns of Alabama Farmers Federation members. 
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How do you currently obtain health insurance? *
If you answered "I do not have health insurance," what are the main reasons you do not have health insurance? (If you do have health insurance, type N/A.) *
How much do you pay monthly for health insurance? (If you do not have health insurance, please type N/A.) *
Please rate the affordability of your current health insurance plan. 
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Is an off-farm job your main source for health insurance coverage? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how concerned are you about health care coverage? *
Not at all concerned
Extremely concerned
How often do you think about health insurance coverage for you and your family? *
How would more affordable options for health care coverage impact your ability to farm? (Please consider things like number of hours spent on the farm vs. working an outside job, peace of mind, etc.)

 If you do not farm, please type N/A. 
Have you experienced difficulty in paying insurance premiums? *
Have you experienced difficulty in paying for health care services? (Examples include copays, elective surgeries, etc.) *
If you answered "yes" to either of the above question and would like to provide more details, please do so here. 
Have you ever delayed or avoided seeking medical treatment due to costs? *
If you answered "yes" above and would like to provide more details, please do so here.
Have you experienced difficulty in finding health insurance tailored to farmers' needs? *
If you answered "yes" above and would like to provide more details, please do so here.
Is there anything else you'd like to share about health care coverage? 
Rate the following from most important to least important when it comes to making health coverage decisions. Number 1 would be the most important and Number 5 would be least important *
Cost of premiums
Cost of copays and medical procedures
Provider's reputation
Quality of coverage
Coverage options
Do you have a preference of Medicaid expansion vs. increased options for private health care coverage? *
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