Valentine's Quiz
Redeemer Christian Church
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Before "X" stood for a kiss, what did it represent at the end of a letter?
10 points
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What Valentine's Day candy was first created on equipment made for lozenges?
10 points
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From where was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message sent?
10 points
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When was the oldest-known Valentine's Day message written?
10 points
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What insanely popular website debuted on Valentine's Day in 2005?
10 points
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Saint Valentine was said to be martyred in what year?
10 points
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In what country is Valentine's Day known as "Friend's Day?"
10 points
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How many people typically buy Valentines for their pets?
10 points
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What state produces most of America's red roses?
10 points
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What major invention was patented on Valentine's Day?
10 points
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Extra Credit: Who invented the first Valentine's Day candy box?
5 points
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