Deep Learning with Google Cloud
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Your feedback helps us improve and refine our content. Please rate each of the following categories presented today.
Introduction to Google Cloud Platform *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Machine Learning APIs *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Data Collection (Dataprep) *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Data Preparation (Datalab and BigQuery) *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Model Creation (TF Estimator APIs) *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Model Refinement *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Training at scale (Cloud ML Engine) *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Serving ML Models *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Tensorflow with GPUs *
I gave up my afternoon for this?
Wow, that was amazing!
Overall rating of the session *
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Sign me up for GCP, Tensorflow and TPUs!
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