Viol Consort Cafe, Saturday 21st September 2024. St Catherine's Argyle Church, 61-63 Grange Rd, Edinburgh EH9 1TY. 10am -1pm.
Viol players at all levels are invited to join us for a sociable playing morning. We will work in small groups with players of similar experience, facilitated by Vickie Hobson and Philip Redfern. Please complete this form to let us know that you are coming. Beginners are very welcome! 

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Name *
Phone no. (mobile preferred) - will be used only in the unlikely event of very last minute changes to arrangements
Email address *
Are you a member of the EMFS? (Join us online at  Membership costs £13 for the year to end August). *
Question for people who are not already receiving weekly EMFS events emails: would you like to be added in to our free email list? You will receive weekly email updates re early music concerts, workshops etc.
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Please indicate which viols you play and your approximate playing level
How long have you been playing viols? *
How would you describe your experience of consort playing? *
At which pitch do you normally play? *
Billing *
Payment:  If paying by bank transfer or Paypal, please quote reference VCCSEPT24.  Bank details -  Early Music Forum of Scotland, Cooperative Bank, Sort code 08-92-99, Account no. 65690662.  *
Do you have any access requirements? If so, please detail below.
Can you offer a lift or would you like a lift to and from the venue? Please state your area / town and if you are requesting or offering a lift.
Anything else we should know?
If you are not on the EMFS mailing list, please tell us how you found out about the Viol Consort Cafe
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