West Ashley Theatre Center Rental Request
For more information or to submit a rental request, please fill out the Rental Request Form and someone will contact you as soon as possible:
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Contact Name: *
Contact Email: *
Contact Phone: *
Dates and Times Requested (Date, Time In - Time Out for each date. Use multiple lines as necessary): *
What Type of Event?: *
Spaces Requested (select all that apply): *
Number of Participants Anticipated (performers, staff, backstage personnel, etc.): *
Number of Audience Members Anticipated (max is 130): *
Start time of performance or event (list each performance individually if there are multiple): *
Estimated Length of Performance/Presentation: *
Intermission?: *
Technical Needs (select all that apply): *
Concessions (final decision at the discretion of WATC Facilities Manager and there is no fee to renters associated with concessions): *
Notes, Questions, or Special Requests:
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