r/MusicProduction Audius Playlist Submissions
Official track submissions for the r/MusicProduction Monthly Audius Playlist
(Note: Only one submission a month. Submitting multiple times will result in disqualification)

If you currently don't have an Audius account you register at http://bit.ly/audiusmp

Also, be sure to follow us at https://audius.co/musicproduction 
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Previous Playlist
Artist Name(s) *
Audius Link *
Please only submit a single Audius track - all other links will result in your submission being disqualified.
Discord Username
e.g. @RuffaroMaxhiem#2068
Reddit Username
e.g. u/RuffaroMaxheim
Twitter Username
(Optional) If your track is selected, we may tag you or mention you when we share the playlist on our official twitter account.
Instagram Username
(Optional) If your track is selected, we may tag you or mention you when we share the playlist on our official instagram account.
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