MnWE invites you to propose an individual presentation for a roundtable discussion, or you may create an entire roundtable of 3-5 people and submit a shared proposal. If you propose an individual presentation, the MnWE team will place you in a roundtable with 2-4 other presenters talking about a similar topic. Roundtable speakers may present in-person or online through Zoom. Please limit your presentation to 5-6 minutes so there is plenty of time for roundtable speakers and audience members to discuss the issues.

If you have any questions about the conference, the process of submitting a proposal, or your idea for a session, contact us at Also, please invite friends, colleagues, and community members to the conference!

Start by sharing your email address. Please doublecheck your spelling. We will be in touch soon about your submission, as well as registration information.

Proposal deadline is February 19, 2025. Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis. The earlier you submit your proposal, the earlier you will hear back from us, most likely with an acceptance.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Email of Individual or Group Representative (Verification) *
Last Name, First Name *
Of the individual presenter or the representative for the group (First Name Last Name)
Phone Number
Of the individual or the group representative

If you are submitting on behalf of a pair or group, please list the remaining members' names (First Name Last Name), with their school/affiliation in parentheses. Please separate names with commas. 

For example: Danielle Hinrichs (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities), Larry Sklaney (Century College), Gordon Pueschner (Century College), Ryuto Hashimoto (Minnesota State University, Mankato)

If you are submitting on behalf of a pair or group, please list the remaining members' email addresses. Separate them with commas. Please double check your spelling because any errors will result in communication problems.
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