Teacher recommendation for the Gary Kufner Memorial Scholarship
We would appreciate your candid evaluation of the student to aid us in evaluating his/her candidacy for the Gary Kufner Memorial Scholarship, presented by Oconee County Little League

Thank you for your time and care in preparing this evaluation.

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Email *
Teacher's First Name *
Teacher's Last Name *
Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
For how long and in what context have you known this student? *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Academic Achievement *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Sense of Responsibility *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Initiative/ Self Direction *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Reaction to Set Backs *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Embracing Challenges *
Compared with other students you have known during your professional career, please indicate how you rate this student in terms of: Leadership Potential *
The scholarship committee would appreciate any additional statements you may wish to make concerning the applicant’s aptitude for leadership,  ability to overcome challenges, or potential for future success. *
Recommendation Summary *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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