Virtual CSID Network Launch Event RSVP Form
We are thrilled to launch the Climate Sensitive Infectious Disease (CSID) Community of Practice! We will be hosting a series of in-person and virtual launch events. Our first events were in Nairobi and Dakar in July and Sept. We will host a virtual launch on 2nd October, from 11 AM - 1 PM, Eastern time. These events are an opportunity to come together to interactively learn and build connections with others in this field.

Please complete this RSVP form by Sept 30.
Email *
Your Full Name *
Your Institutional Affiliation
Do you plan to attend the virtual CSID Launch Party on Oct 2nd? *
If yes, will you be able to arrive at 11 am when the event programming begins? *
Do you have any special requirements/accessibility concerns that you would like us to know about?
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