Request online access to your account
Please provide the Business name, Account number (or numbers if there are multiple) and the email addresses of each person you would like to have access to your account in our customer portal.

Portal access includes:
  • Your standard pricing on all products
  • Access to a full account price list file in either csv or pdf formats
  • Stock availability on each product
  • 12-month history of invoices, orders and statements
  • Ability to place orders and get status updates
  • Reorder from a past order
This form is for existing customers only. If you're not currently a customer of Parchem/Fosroc's in Australia, and would like to talk to someone about opening an account, please email or call 1800 812 864
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name (of authorised account representative) *
Last Name *
Please supply any additional email addresses you want to have access to your account in Fosroc Online (separate multiple email addresses by a comma). *
Business Name *
Please supply your Account Code (enter multiples if required. Use a comma between each account code). *
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