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ProfitBoost has an integrated financial plan built right into the program! ProfitBoost combines an easy to use shop management system with a powerful measuring and accountability program; giving the shop owner control over expenses and profitability

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One of an auto shop business owner's responsibilities is to hire employees. A good auto shop owner understands it is important to hire the best people. Sometimes an auto shop owner may have expertise on how to fix autos and keep the books, but knowing what to look for when hiring an employee may not be as easy. This article will discuss how to find good people to hire for your auto shop.

Enlist Current Auto Shop Employees as Recruiters
Hunting for a new auto shop employee can take up a lot of your time. You must first weed through all the resumes you receive. It can be tricky determining which resumes contain valid and truthful information and which don't. Once you've narrowed down the pile of candidates you must next go through the process of interviewing them.

Rather than spending countless hours interviewing strangers, who you know nothing about, ask your auto shop employees for recommendations. It is pretty normal for technicians in the auto shop field to know each other. One of your auto shop employees might know of an auto shop technician that is currently available or could be available soon. He or she might be either unhappy in their current position, or might have been recently laid off. Neither scenario necessarily points to a bad auto shop technician, only bad circumstances.


If you decide to use this method to hire for your auto shop you could offer your employees a bonus referral fee. The bonus you offer must be big enough to grab their attention and bring results. The suggested method includes an upfront bonus the first day the new employee shows up for work. Followed by a secondary bonus if the auto shop employee lasts for a certain time period.

Hire Before They Finish Technician School
Visit a couple of the local technician schools in your area and ask for recommendations. Meet with those students and offer them a way to earn some money while they finish school. They can work on the floor, cleaning or getting the other technicians the tools they need.


The purpose of hiring entry level auto shop technicians is to find out what kind of work ethic they have. By starting at the bottom the other technicians on the auto shop floor can decide which ones might have potential. The goal is to be able to hire one or more of them fulltime after they complete their education.

Once hired they will already know the routine of the auto shop. They will know where parts and tools are within the auto shop. The new technicians will also already have a rapport built with the other auto shop technicians.  

Have What it Takes to Entice Auto Shop Technicians
Although salary is important to many auto shop technicians it is not the only factor. Auto shop technicians look for other qualities and benefits, as well.

Fair Pay
Whether you pay flat rate, or flat plus pay per hour of book time make sure it is going to entice the high level of technician that you need. Your pay structure must allow them to earn a good living while also allowing the shop to make profit on each and every job they do.

Paid Training
If a technician hasn't earned their ASE certification the auto shop can offer to pay for part of their education. Asking your technicians what training they would like to be given may bring up some interesting results. You can link training to pay levels, so the more training they get the more they earn and the more you can charge for their time.

Productive Work Environment
Everyone wants to feel like they are a part of something. Auto shop technicians are no different. Having the ability to be productive and help customers makes everyone feel valuable.

One way to make your auto shop productive is by having the needed parts on hand quickly. Having parts delivered several times during the day will keep your technicians working.  If shop inefficiencies are hampering the technicians and they are not able to earn as much income as they want then they are more likely to look for other jobs.

Auto Shop Reputation
Auto shop technicians talk to each other. If your automotive shop has a good reputation of keeping employees long term, having happy customers and being a highly respected place to work a technician is more likely to come work for you.

If your auto shop has a bad reputation, for the way you treat staff or customers, you will have a hard time hiring good employees and likely end up with a lot of turn over.

Finding good people to hire for your auto shop is not a quick and easy process. It will take time and energy on your part. However, if you take the time on the front end it will pay off in the long term.

You need to hire employees that will be around for a long time, staff turnover takes time, money and energy away from your business. To do that you should take your time and build your employee base the right way. It will be worth it in the end.
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Auto Shop Management Software Prescott Valley
Running a successful and profitable auto repair shop takes a lot of time, effort and hard work. You need to understand how every piece of the business works. From the actual fixing of cars through to how to give customers the service they want so they become lifetime clients. So, how does an auto repair shop become a "top shop"?

When striving to be a "top shop" it will be the little things that push your auto repair shop into the upper echelon. One big factor that is a must is strong client relationships. Unfortunately, many clients have been let down by auto repair shops.

Their previous auto repair shop may have been dishonest about the repairs they suggested or overcharged the client. Many times it is a perception rather than a fact.

The best way to build client relationships is by being honest from the beginning. When an auto repair shop is upfront about repairs and costs the client will begin to trust the auto repair shop. Once that trust is established, the auto repair shop will have a loyal client.

 Show Customer Appreciation
Without clients an auto repair shop cannot be successful or profitable. Letting your customers know that you appreciate their business is a great way to become a top shop. One example is to send a client a thank you note for their business. Or call to be sure they are happy with their repair a few days after they leave the auto shop.

Another great way to let your customers know you appreciate them is by sending them discount offers. With all the amazing technology out there you can send those offers through email or SMS texting.

 Don't be Afraid of Change
It is easy to get stuck in the same routine. We all want to do what is most comfortable. For example, if the employees in your shop are currently great auto technicians, your shop might need a good service writer.  The goal is to improve your shop's efficiency, which improves your profits, helping to make your shop a "top shop".

Communication with Auto Repair Customers
One of the biggest complaints by customers is the lack of communication, or worse, miscommunication. For example, when a customer is given an estimate of $350 for a repair, and the repair ends up being $500, there is a problem. If the service writer made an error in the estimate, this needs to be communicated to the customer.

Or if the auto repair ends up being a bigger job than the technician thought, communication with the customer is key to keeping customers long term.

Many complaints are based on perception, if the customer perceives that you run a professional business they will trust your word and not doubt you when they hear the problem is worse than initially thought.

By keeping the customer in the loop on any changes you won't run into issues when it is time for the bill to be paid. Automotive shop software can automate many aspects of the communication with your customers.

 Understand Your Auto Shop Customers
Many auto repair shops fail to realize that women make most of the major financial decisions in the household. So, if an auto shop is geared only towards men, they are turning away customers.

Women tend to ask more questions and expect someone to take time to answer them.  So, you should have someone running the front area who is knowledgeable and can easily access the information they are requesting.  

Women also expect a cleaner environment and will not deal with a car repair shop that is dirty, they also do not want to see technicians outside the shop smoking or on their cell phones. A clean modern front of house is almost as important as your ability to fix their cars.

Great automotive shop software can be used to provide accurate and fast repair estimates and will help turn a novice front desk person into a wealth of information.

Be Honest about Auto Repair Costs
When explaining an estimate to customer be sure to explain everything that is in that estimate. The estimate should break down parts, labor and any fees. The customer should have no questions about where the total amount comes from. Having a good service writer, paired with automotive shop software, is essential for putting together a proper estimate.

Also, be sure to use language that the customer can understand. Nothing frustrates a customer more than feeling stupid because they don't understand the jargon.

Your estimates should break all this down and have a disclaimer at the bottom to cover you, getting the vehicle owner to sign the estimate proves they understand the costs involved in repairing their car.

Becoming an auto repair "top shop" often comes down to making small adjustments in your processes and culture. Customers notice a front area that is clean, doesn't smell like an auto repair shop and has a few personal touches like magazines and bottles of water. They appreciate being kept in the loop, like changes to an estimate.They truly appreciate honesty.

Customers who can find a reliable, honest and friendly auto repair shop will be loyal for many years to come and will become your greatest advocate amongst their friends and acquaintances.

In order for an auto repair shop to become a "top shop" it must have repeat customers. It must also have auto repair shop customers who tell all their friends, gaining a steady flow of new and lifetime customers.
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Automotive Shop Software Prescott Valley AZ
Auto Repair Software
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Auto Repair Shop Management Software
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ProfitBoost Software
8841 Florentine Rd suite e
Prescott Valley, AZ 86314
Phone: 888-274-3776
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