Volunteer Application
The Public Health Museum in Massachusetts
365 East Street, Tewksbury, MA 01876     Tel: 978-851-7321 x2606   info@publichealthmuseum.org

Thank you for your interest in the Public Health Museum. We are currently open from 10:00AM-2:00PM on Thursdays and on an occasional Saturday. This is subject to change based on current public health conditions.
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Name *
Street Address
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Email Address *
Best Phone number to reach you
Areas of Interest
Please inform us of any allergies we should be aware of if you are working on site. *
In 3-5 sentences, please explain why you are interested in volunteering with the museum.
Note: Volunteer opportunities are based on current needs and may require you to volunteer at the museum, work remotely from home or participate in a Zoom call. Thank you for your interest. Our Museum Coordinator will be in contact.
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