Teaching Information Literacy: Module 1 Credit Activity
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 This video introduced definitions of information literacy. We posed the question: “How would you define information?” Take a moment and jot down your initial thoughts on how you define the word “information.” Write down two or three ways in which you receive and use information in your everyday life.   *
 Examine one of the two information models presented in the video: 1) the DIKW pyramid (data, information, knowledge, wisdom), 2) or the Research as Inquiry Frame from the ACRL Framework, and think of ways that you might apply the model to your teaching practice. Write down some practical steps from either model that could applied to your classes. *
The final objective of the video discussed the role of critical thinking in becoming an information literate individual. There are many ways of understanding critical thinking. Search for a definition of critical thinking that speaks to you and write down your understanding of this concept. *
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