Contrast Studios Ambassador Application

About Contrast Ambassador Program:

A group of Contrast Studios ambassadors who are enthusiasts about their wellness and contrast therapy journey! Contrast therapy is a game-changer for your wellness journey, and you can’t wait to share your experiences.

What we are looking for: LOVERS of contrast therapy + the benefits, community builders and wellness enthusiasts!

The Perks: Referral credits, exclusive merch and events, and giveaways!

How we want you to partner with us:

  • IN-FEED SOCIAL POSTS x3 a month (Instagram or TikTok)

  • SHARE + ENGAGE with our social posts - build our community in the comments and share content to your story!

  • TAG us in your content so we can repost it to our feed

  • PERSONAL DISCOUNT CODE displayed in your bio or link in your bio

Name (first + last) *
Email *
Instagram Handle (must be public for consideration) *
TikTok (optional)
YouTube (optional)
Blog/Website (optional)
Are you a fitness instructor? *
Are you over the age of 18? *
Favorite Recreational Activities *
Have you done contrast therapy before? *
Are you a Contrast Studios member? *
Why do you want to be a Contrast ambassador? *
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