Personal Training Application
Curious about personal training?  Great!  I offer in person or virtual personal training, and work with women all over the world.

Please fill out this application so we can assess if we're a good fit to work together.

Please note, I'm a non-diet/body positive trainer.  If losing weight is your # 1 priority, I'm not your person.  But if you're willing to explore results beyond the scale, then continue with the form.

Once I receive your application, I will be in touch about next steps.  
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Email *
Your Name *
Address (city, state, country) *
Your time zone *
Phone # *
Please share what prompted you to inquire about personal training?
Were you referred by someone?  Please enter their name so I can give them credit.
What kind of support do you need from your trainer? (please note, I do not coach fat loss, or weigh/measure people)

Have you worked with a personal trainer before
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What has been your past experience with fitness programs/classes/trainers?
How would you like to feel in your body in 3 months time?
What stops you from achieving your goals on your own?
If I could help you achieve this goal, how would that impact your life?
Personal training is a 3 month commitment, consisting of 2, 45 minute sessions per week.  This is what we have seen helps people get the best results.  The investment is $649 (+applicable taxes) per month for 3 months.  Are you willing to invest at this level? *
My typical availability for personal training is between 6 am-3 pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.  Will this timing suit you? I have *very limited* evening availability. *
Is there anything else you would like me to know?
Thank you for filling out this application
I will email you within 48 hours to let you know that I have received it.  In that email will either be a link to book a complimentary consultation call, or I will let you know where you stand on the wait list.
 If you do not receive an email within that time, please email me at

Thank you,
Kim Hagle, CPT
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