Host a Member Spotlight Mixer
NAWBO OC members at the Premier and Supporting levels have the opportunity to host a Member Spotlight mixer.

If you have familiarized yourself with the Criteria and Guidelines (available at and are ready to submit your application, please fill out the form below.

A program administrator will be in contact with you shortly. If your application is accepted, the program administrator will work with you to schedule and market  your mixer within three months. If you submit an application but do not hear back (we're sorry!) please reach out to

Thanks, and we can't wait to learn more about you!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Business Name *
Email Address *
Phone *
Where will you host your mixer? *
Will guests be required to pay for parking?
Do you need help finding a venue that will accommodate 35-50 guests? *
What content will you present and how will it benefit women entrepreneurs? *
Will you have giveaways? (Not  a requirement) *
Please sketch your agenda for us. *
How will you market your Member Spotlight mixer? *
Will you need help designing your flyer? *
Do you have a mechanism to accept RSVPs? Eventbrite, Facebook, email, etc. *
Where will you post your Mixer? Facebook, Meetup, other networks - please list. *
Please share a link to a clip of a previous presentation or public speaking engagement. *
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