UW Social Media Applicaton
Complete an application for consideration of your current and future social media account(s) to be officially recognized by University of Wyoming
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Your Name (required) *
First and Last Name
Job Title
Email Address (Required) *
Department/ Unit / Program / Group Name *
Please briefly describe the intended purpose of your account(s): *
Guidelines Agreement *
I have read and understand the terms and conditions applicable to the social media account(s) for which I am applying and I accept University of Wyoming's Social Media Guidelines. The Guidelines can be found with the following link: http://www.uwyo.edu/publicrelations/_files/docs/marketing/uw-socialmediaguidelines.pdf
Complete the phrase "Go____!" *
To verify that this form is completed by a human, please complete the above statement.
Administrators of your social media accounts
Name and e-mail addresses of two UW employees who will serve as administrators of the account(s).
Admin Name 1 *
Admin Email 1 *
Admin Name 2
Admin Email 2
Social Media Accounts
What type of social media accounts are you applying for? If you have accounts set up, please provide your account URL(s).

Please complete all that apply. (Account URL example: https://www.facebook.com/discoveruw)

Facebook URL
Flickr URL
Foursquare URL
Google+ URL
Instagram URL
LinkedIn URL
Pinterest URL
Twitter URL
YouTube URL
Other Social Media Name
Other Social Media URL
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